Achievement 5 Task 3 by @mosesrm : Review

in Newcomers' Community4 years ago (edited)


This is a simple Block Explorer for Steem Blockchain. It is based on Steem-Js (v0.7.7)
then I will proceed to say what I understood and thought about this extension of steemit.

This page we find different tabs that guide us to better results, the first tab is the " Blockchain Overview".


In this section you can find options like:
-Chain Properties
-Versions and Hardfork
-Dynamic Global Properties

In the other tab we find the "Block Explorer"
Which is basically a block explorer of the platform where you find valuable information for your account.


Here we will find options such as:


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-Block Header


Then we find "Tools" where we can see different useful tools for various functions of our account, such as:


-Steem Essentials

Everything directly related to your account, information, wallet and many other very useful and service things, personally I have used my account information a lot to be aware of my progress in Steemit, in addition to the functions of the wallet such as checking my transactions and more.

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Example of the function my account information steem:

Steem Account Information

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-Witness Tools

Here you find everything related to witnesses, such as votes, curators, etc.

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In this option you can see the votes you have given and the updated ranking of the witnesses you can vote for.

Steem Witness Ranking & API

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-Upvotes and Flags

This section allows you to see everything related to the votes you have received, see who has voted for you and their percentage with a very colorful graph.

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Who Flagged You?



Another section that I have used a lot.

Steem Outgoing Votes Reports


In This table shows you whom you voted, it's outgoing votes report.


-Delegators and Delegatees

Actually the one I used the most was Steem Blockchain Delegators Checker, it seemed practical to use and very informative, it is to know who has given you steem power, it is information if you are interested.

Steem Blockchain Delegators Checker



-Follow or Mute

I think its name speaks for itself, here you find accounts that follow you and that you have silenced, also all the most silenced accounts, that is, those people who have been silenced more than twice.

Batch Follow or Mute Tool on Steem

And here as you will see in the following table are the most silenced users of steemit.

Hall of Fame - Most Blocked/Muted Accounts on Steem

-Miscellaneous Tools

This section precisely shows you the power down status such as:

-On which date you initiated power down
-What is the next withdrawn date
-Withdrawn Vests

Steem Account Powerdown Status
This is where you can see the subject of pending transactions.

Check If Your Followers Have Voted Your Post
And this is where you see those who have and have not voted on your posts.

This page also has this free service tab to create a steemit account.


In "Witness Servers" you find statistics of the witnesses, this is to give you an orientation on which to vote for.


This section in general shows in which state the created steemit tools are, you can see the speed and so on.


In the "API" tab we find the tools in a simplified way with some links that take you as a direct access to the desired page or tool, they are classified by sections.


-In the first section we find all the free APIs:


In the next section we find the shortcuts to the most advanced APIs.


And finally we find the API steem servers in the available countries.


Finally, we find the tab dedicated to steem bots, if you don't know what steem bots are, don't worry I'll explain it to you, the bots in steem are a chain of blocks that respond with some commands that are written to comment mode.

Here are some examples:


Well people, we have finished this review of this page I appreciate your attention and I really hope that my contribution will serve you, try to review each thing that I speak, I want to make a mention of @justyy, @yohan2on and @cryptokannon for helping us to grow more and more in this community and for giving us support material and tools to learn much more to use and take advantage of this platform that gives us so much benefits, thank you very much for your attention and See you next time.
 4 years ago (edited)

Wow!!! This is a very good review of I dont remember mine been as good. Thank you so much for this great effort @mosesrm. I know @justyy would be proud.

Hi @mosesrm, please comply with the requirement so that you can proceed to the next task.

Thank you.

 4 years ago 

Thanks for completing Achievement 5 task-3: Review of You have accomplished this task. You can now proceed to Achievement 5 task-4: Review of

You have been upvoted by @sapwood a Steem Greeter from STEEM POD Project and we are voting with the Steemit Community Curator @steemcurator03 account to support the newcomers coming into steemit.

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