Achievement 3: Content Etiquette by @mediclight2 || 19-7-22

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)


Good Evening steemians. Having done my second achievement, I'll like to move on to the third achievement which is writing on plagiarism.


DEFINITION: Plagiarism is the act of presenting or documenting someone else's ideas or works into your works without their full acknowledgement or consent.


DIRECT PLAGIARISM: This type of plagiarism is the worst. It happens when someone copies word-for-word another person's work without quotation marks.This type of plagiarism is no difference from stealing.

  • SELF PLAGIARISM: This is when an author or a student uses part of the texts he has written before while writing a new work.

  • MOSAIC PLAGIARISM: This happens when a person copies a work but changes some words, or finding synonyms of the original work while while keeping to the original structure. It also involves borrowing phrases from a person's work without putting it in quotation.

  • ACCIDENTAL PLAGIARISM: This happens when a person uses some part of another person's work without citing their source. It can be unintentional, but that is not an excuse.


  • Everyone should note that plagiarism is the same as stealing and so it should not be practiced.

  • To avoid plagiarism, do not copy word-for-word whatever you see.Instead you can simply read someone's work, understand it and put it in your own words.

  • Always remember to use plagiarism checker before posting.

  • Remember to put the words in quote and cite your source and always keep a note of your sources. This will ensure that you don't accidentally plagiarize.

-Use citation method like this

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment.


"I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community and will do my best to embrace them"


Please do not mention any member of the steemit team in your achievements

 2 years ago 


Hi @mediclight2, good that you have successfully completed achievement 3 corresponding to the program "500SP Minnowsupport"and you are proving to be a steemians with the potential to add value to the steemit platform, in this way I want to congratulate you and encourage you to take those final steps to achieve your goals within Newcomers' Community and show that you are 100% trained.

I want to invite you to complete Achievement 4 that will bring you closer to your goal and provide you with better knowledge.

The title of your publication should be "Achieved 4 by @yourusername - Slogan: Applying formats"

Please tag me / your mentor: Add tags, such as # achievement4 and a hashtag for the country you are currently residing in


It is important that you know and be part of the #club5050, for this you must maintain during each month a balance when turning on (POWER UP) no less than 50% of your withdrawals and transfers, in this way you will be contributing to the platform and you can be considered for have the support of the steemit team, learn more here

Greetings 👍

 2 years ago 

Hi Dear 💐....

We also here to support our members through our community which name is Steemit Graphics Community.

Click & Join us :

Admin : Faran-nabeel & Sameer07

For Help or Guidance Join Us on discord: Channel Link


Let's join us and grow together. keep sharing your skills and earn steem..

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