achievement Some words and some stories about Gopal Bhar
In the story of rural Bengal, the story of Gopal Bhar is often heard in some stories. I myself grew up hearing the story of Gopal Bhar. There was a lot of interest in working on it. So I highlighted some of his identity.
Introduction: Gopal Bhar was born in a village called Ghurni, north of Krishnanagar. His father died when he was nine years old. Poor people did not have the opportunity to study. But due to his low education and his own infinite intellect and talent, he is still remembered by all, young and old.
The emperor of Nadia, Maharaja Krishnachandra, after hearing about Gopal's humor and intelligence from various people, gave him a place in the royal court. From then on, Gopal's acquaintance spread around.
Barbers are cunning in words. The Gopals were barbers in the nation. Gopal was impossibly cunning but he could never be called a barber. His improbable intelligence has made him the best clown. So he is a clown
The story of Gopal Bhar
A man used to come to the royal court of Maharaja Krishnachandra from time to time. The man spoke many languages. No one knew what his real mother tongue was, where his real country was. He is equally proficient in all languages. He could read and write in almost all languages. Just as he spoke Bengali, he spoke Hindi, but also Persian.
Maharaja Krishnachandra once said to Gopal, 'Gopal, what is the race of the man and what is his mother tongue, if you can say exactly - I will reward you'.
Hearing the words of the Maharaja, Gopal said, 'What is this trouble? I'll be right back in two days. '
After hearing Gopal's words, the minister said to Mosquito, 'Oh Gopal, the work is not as straightforward as you think. The man is smarter than you. He will not be caught easily '.
Gopal said, 'Mr. Minister, my name is also Gopal Bhar. You see, I will find out the real identity of the man '.
The next day Gopal came a long time ago and hid on one side at the entrance of the palace. Because, that man was supposed to come to the royal court on the same day for special work.
After a while the man came. Gopal pretended to go out - suddenly pushed the man, the man stumbled and said, 'Blind! Do not see the eyes during the day? At this age, you are sitting with your head in your eyes'?
Gopal said, 'Swear, and whatever you say- I understand that you fly. The first language that came out of your mouth after stumbling was your mother tongue - you Bapu fly '.
The man finally admitted that he flew.
The Maharaja was satisfied and gave Gopal a reward of one hundred rupees.
When Gopal Bhar was a child, when he went to a wedding, the old men used to tease him and laugh, "Gopal, then it's your turn."
Gopal was very angry to hear. The old man began to look for a way to seize it and found a time.
Going to the cremation and shraddha ceremony, he said to the old men, 'Then it's your turn!'
Gopal_Bhar is basically a TV series animation serial. It is based on the story of the famous comedian Gopal Bhar. This Gopal is a burning testimony of brilliant talent.
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Members of the royal court
Maharaja Krishnachandra
The doctor
Gopalbhand is discussed in detail below
Gopal Bhar (or Gopal Bhand) was a famous storyteller, clown and entertainer of Nadia region in the Middle Ages. He was appointed to the royal court of the eminent king Krishnachandra of Nadia district in the eighteenth century. The king included him as one of the Navaratnas among his courtiers. A sculpture of King Krishnachandra built in front of his palace at that time is still intact. Later, a new statue of Gopal Bhar was erected on the border of Krishnanagar Municipality.
The story
His life-rich stories, which have been prevalent for more than two hundred years, are still alive and well among the Bengali-speaking people of West Bengal and Bangladesh. How many stories are used almost like proverbs. He is considered to be the equivalent of Mollah Nasiruddin and Birbal.
History and debateThe character of Gopal Bhar has long been a subject of controversy among historians, researchers and linguists. Although Gopal's stories are extremely popular in the society, there is disagreement as to whether Gopal was a clown or not. Many people think that there was no one named Gopal Bhar. But one or the other clown became the favorite of the king. Gopal was a barber. The date of Gopal's birth is not written anywhere. There is no record of his place of birth, no evidence of his property or land as a resident of Krishnanagar. Although the name of Gopal's father was known, nothing was known about his mother and wife. According to Nagendranath Das, Gopal's title was 'Nai'. The Maharaja gave him the title of Hasarnab. Renowned historian and linguist Sukumar Sen says, 'The modern Bengali's curiosity about Gopal Bhar is the seed of the popular tradition that has sprung up about the real or imagined person. Gopal's race has been determined '. Whatever the arguments for and against, Gopal Bhar is immersed in Bengali humor and folk culture.