Achievement 2 by @mahadee / Task: Basic Security on Steem // 24-05-2021.

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians, how are you all? I hope all of you are well and safe in this Covid-19 pandemic and I am fine also by the grace of almighty Creator. I am very happy to announce that I have already completed my Achievement 1 successfully. Thanks to those who supported me through votes and comments and special thanks to the Admins and Moderators who approved my post and support me in their approach.

Now I am going to share with great interest my Achievement 2 relating to Basic Security on Steemit.


I have got some ideas about it by observing the Steemit keys and different post and my younger @shemul21 also helped me to arrange it.

Before answering the questions, we should have a basic idea about Cyber Security.
Security means freedom from extreme threats and dangers that could so ending the core value and Cyber Security is the protection of various online system devices, software and it`s data from cyber-attacks. Cyber security consists of several important elements, those are application system, network system, disaster recovery and end-user protection.
Cyber security is needed to protect data and other software from cyber threat.

Now I am going to share Achievement 2 (Basic Security on Steemit).

(1) Have you retrieved all your keys on Steemit?

Cyber security is needed to protect data and other software from cyber threats and attack. It is very important to make secured all of my Steemit keys, to keep my Steemit ID free from Cyber threats and I have do so. I have saved it in my google drive, made copy and kept in my file manager and also made it`s hardcopy and kept in my locker.



(2) Do you know each of these key functions and restrictions?

Yes, I obviously know the each Steenit key functions are summarized bellow.

(a) Private Posting Key:-

This key is used to login to apps such as and also used to perform social action viz, posting, commenting, voting, subscribing, canceling a vote etc.

(b) Private Active Key:-

It is used to perform monetary and wallet related functions such as transferring fund and Steem token, powering Steemit up and down, converting dollar, for updating profit data etc. Using this key we may change all the other keys.

(c) Private Owner Key:-

Through this key we may reset all other keys and it is used to recover the account when that that has been compromised.

(d) The Master Key:-

This seed password is used to generate this document and if it is lost the account can not be restored.
''#'' symbol is used for this function.

(e) The Memo Key:-

This key is used for encrypting and decrypting private fund transfer memos.

Restrictions relating to Steem Keys:-

Private Active Key:-
It is used to perform monetary and wallet related functions so it must be secured properly.

Private Owner Key:-
Through this key we may reset all other keys and it is used to recover the account (must be within 30 days) when that that has been compromised so it has recommendation to keep in off line at all time.

The Master Key:-
If this key is lost the account can not be restored, so we should not share it with any other.

Above all, we should keep all the keys safe and properly stored.

(3) How do you plane to keep your master password?

When I got my Steemit keys PDF i saved it in my google drive and I have written my Master key specially in my notebook. I also made some copies of it and kept in different folder if my file-manager foe more safety.

(4) Do you know how to transfer your Steem token to another Steem user?

Yes obviously I know the procedures of transferring Steem token, that is as follows.

At first we have to log into account using Steemit name and Private Posting Key.


then we have to enter into the profile

then we will see this surface and will click on wallet

Log into wallet.PNG
then we have to login by using Steemit name and Privat Active Key,

click left button.PNG
then we will see this surface and will click on marked item,

click transfer.PNG
then we will see this surface and will click on transfer,

fill up.PNG
then we will see this surface and we shall fill the demand in gaps and press next and the transaction shall be completed.

(5) Do you know how to power up your Steem?

At first following the above procedures we have to go to this surface
click left button.PNG
and clicking on marked item we have to go to following surface

click on power up.PNG
then we have to click on Power Up


then, this surface will be available and filling the gap have to press on power up and that shall be success.

Thank you so much for reading my post patiently

 3 years ago 

Привет @mahadee из России! Я то же прохожу второе задание! У тебя возникли трудности при выполнении этого задания?

 3 years ago 

Write in English to help me I will try to follow your advice. Thank you.

 3 years ago 

Hi, @mahadee,

Your post has been supported by @tarpan from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot.

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot.

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