Achievement3: Content Etiquette by @ladipee

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)

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Hello to the newcomer's Community, I'm @ladipee and today I will writing my Achievement3 post which is about content etiquette and my focus will be on Plagiarism. I made my findings just to write this article and hoping It'd meet the minimum requirements.


Plagiarism in it's simple term can be defined as a deliberate act of copying the works and contents of another person or organization without acknowledging the original owner/author, proper referencing, credit or sourcing. It's an unprofessional act which could ruin one's reputation if found guilty of it and not just that, it could also attract some penalities.

An example of plagiarism is when someone goes online to copy an article and use part/or all of it but didn't reference the site or source the content was gotten from. That is a complete plagiarism and may be punished respectively if found wanting.

What makes plagiarism unprofessional?

Plagiarism is undoubtedly unprofessional because it is the act of using the exact words, ideas and works, and entire content of another author as if it was own by you without any credit to the original owner. The owner/author too enough time to prepare the content and has exclusive right over it. So it'd be unethical if it is duplicate, replicated and used without crediting or referencing the owner.

Why we should avoid plagiarism?

Should Incase you are reading this, then you already explicitly know that Plagiarism is a serious crime and perpetrators could be penalized for it, you may be sued to court if you are a writer and you may ask for a very high settlement for compensation. Yes! That's how it is. But also, you may face other shortcomings if you plagiarize too like your works may be dismissed, rejected and will lower your reputation too.


Basically we'd be discussing two kinds of plagiarism here below.

This kind of plagiarism is the act of duplicating, replicating another authors work exactly the way it is without even making any changes to it, like word for word... Infact copying a everything as it is and yet not sourcing the original author.

Well it's still a Plagiarism even it's not intentional and would still be punished if needed 🤣... But the Truth remains that this kind of Plagiarism is not done purposely but an oversight from the writer for not sourcing the original owner due to ommision or not properly sourced.

The next question is how to prevent it...


Having understood the concept and adverse effects of Plagiarism, preventing it becomes necessary. Outlining below are the ways we can prevent plagiarism

1. Shun procrastination:
Procrastination is the act delaying actions, activities,works indefinitely and continuously.
Procrastination can lead to continuous postponement until the person becomes too apathetic then the next option is just to copy or replicate another similar work.

Abstainance from being lazy:
Most oftentimes, writers commit the crime of plagiarism because they are too lazy to utilize their brain and time to write your create their own content. If writers could develop the habit of not being lazy, then plagiarism can be mitigated alot.

Build self-confidence:
Writers who don't have confidence in what they write may not want to rely on it but would want to go to the internet and look up for something similar and copy. But if self-confidence can be built, then the rate of plagiarism would be reduced.

Sourcing and giving credit to authors will definitely make one's work more professional and meet required standards. So it's highly encouraged and recommended that pictures, write ups are properly referenced from the source it's been fetched from.

I hope you enjoyed reading my content, I'm a teacher so I took my time to properly explained the topic very well using my own words.


Thankyou for reading my article... And I believe you enjoyed it.


I have fully read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my possible best to embrace them wholeheartedly. Source



Hi @ladipee

Please provide an example of a citation with its respective source, as explained in achievement 3: Achievement 3 : Content Etiquette

Please put a remarks:
"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"
at the end of this task post.

No need to make a new post, just edit this and add what is needed.

 2 years ago 

Thanks so much for the correction!
I have edited it ma

You need to add a citation with its source.

 2 years ago 

I have updated it ma....pls check

Hi @ladipee

Congratulations, your achievement 3 is verified.

You can advance and complete Achievement 4

Remember to use the #Achievement4 and #(your country) tags and post from Newcomers' Community.

Rate 2

 2 years ago 

Alright! Thanks so much

 2 years ago 

Hi, @ladipee,

Your post has been supported by @inspiracion from the Steem Greeter Team.

 2 years ago 

Dully appreciate 🙏

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