Achievement 3 by @isaacbeechan10: Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago


The Steemit community is a platform that gives people the opportunity to create quality and original content that can be accessed easily by the public. Users create these contents and are given a fee-less token called STEEM. The STEEM currency can be earned by a system called Proof of Brain which means they have to use their brains to create quality and original contents.

The proof of Brain concept makes sure every content is strictly original and every copied work, photo or text is properly cited. Any writing or image gotten from any source without due credit or citation is called a plagiarized work.


In simple terms, plagiarism is the act of copying and pasting someone else's work, idea, image or text without giving the actual author credit. In simplest terms, it is claiming a creative work done by someone else as yours. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional.

An intentional plagiarism is consciously copying another person's work and claiming it as yours, knowing fully well that it is theft.
An unintentional plagiarism involves using another person's work without actually knowing that it is called theft. It can also be referred to as accidental plagiarism.


Plagiarism can take different forms. Plagiarism could be:

  1. Copying another person's work and intentionally or unintentionally refusing to cite the source.
  2. Copying another person's work word for word.
  3. Copying and pasting an image without giving credit to the source.
  4. Omitting quotation marks after copying someone else's text or quote.
  5. Paraphrasing content from a source without citation.
  6. Creating a content and depending totally on citations instead of original work. In other words, using too many citations but little or no original work.


It's quite simple! There are easy steps one could take to avoid plagiarism.

One way to avoid plagiarism is to do proper citations. This simply means including the source of your text or image at the end of it. I'll give an example:


Another way is to include references. It is important to give references at the end of your work. For example:

A love for children

Lastly, you can easily avoid plagiarism by using quotes. You can use quote whenever you copy someone else's text. For example:

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe" - Albert Einstein


In as much as it is important to apply all these steps in order to avoid plagiarism, it is equally important to avoid overusing them. Over-dependence on citation or quoting should be avoided. Instead, aim at producing one hundred percent original work, if possible. Focusing on just quoting and citation instead of original work may also be seen as plagiarism. Be creative.

Most users try to find non-English language posts, translate it and paste it just as it is and then take credit for it. Some say it is being smart but this is still plagiarism.

Finally, you can get quality images for your article from these sites:


This is my Achievement1 link



Hi, @isaacbeechan10,

Your post has been supported by @juichi from the Steem Greeter Team.

Be guided about the purpose of this Achievement task. Plagiarism and Content Etiquette play a significant role in our Steemit journey as they will define us, writers. Plagiarism is also prohibited by law, so don't forget to give proper credit and citations if the words and pictures used are not yours.

You have been verified for this task and you may now advance to Achievement 4: Applying Markdown at your comfort. Please refer to the guide on the Newcomers Achievement Program on the Notice Board pinned post.

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Curator's feedback

  • The next thing you will do is to join communities, to avoid being labeled as "NC" (No community / not joining any club) or “KIV”( Suspicious account). When you received those labels you will no longer receive an upvote from steemcurator09


Use this upvote as your initial capital to join the #club5050 program which means to power up more than half of your cashout. Know that the Steem Greeter’s Team is very strict about this matter. We will check your wallet to see if you really follow the rule.

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