About frog

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Frong and toads are the largest group of amphibians they have stout bodies with powerful hindlegs for leaping and webbed feet for swimming they mate in water during mating the male climbs on the female's back when the female lays eggs,the male releases sperms over them the embryos of the fertilized eggs develop into fish like larvae called tadpoles which undergo metamorphoses to become aduit amphibians tadpoles feed on aquatic plant and animals while frogs and toads feed on insect and worms salamanders and newts differ from frogs and toads in having slender, elongated bodies with necks and long tails. Reptilia there are four main groups of reptiles lizards, snakes, crocodiles and turtkes. lizards and their close relatives, the snakes, are the dominant reptiles today Reptiles are believed to have evolved from amphibians. They are the first group of vertebrates to have become completely adapted to life on land this is because of the following features A reptile has a skin that is covered with dry horny scales. This prevents water loss from the body B it carries out gaseous exchange through its lungs C fertilization is internal the female lays large fertilized egg on land each egg has a soft but tough shell which prevents its contents from drying up. The embryo in the egg develops into a young animal that can live on land.No larval stage is present.


 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 


Thanks for sharing with us.🤝

 3 years ago 

I know more about frog now... thank u

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