Achievement 4 by @diplomatic :Markdown

in Newcomers' Community4 years ago

Knowing how to use and effect markdown will go a long way in making your work beautiful and attractive . Markdown helps the writer to organize his works .


Markdown is a way to effect looks and styles on your work. You control the display ;formatting words as bold or italic, adding images, and creating lists are just a few of the things we can do with markdown using some special commands. (

Let's demonstrate some important things you can always do using markdown in steemit Community ;


Headlines are a very important part of any work(writing). It can be used to differentiate or introduce ideas.There are ways to ways to effect markdown on headline;

  • By putting the #symbol before the headline, the headline size decrease
    by number of # symbol placed before the headlines. Let's demonstrate using the word **STEEM **, by putting the # symbol before it we get the results




#### STEEM

##### STEEM

###### STEEM
This will look like






Center headline, italics

To make a headline at the center simply PUT the markdown<center>before the heading ,example ''Binance' 'and </center> at the end of it .The corresponding result would be


To effect italics style simply put the * symbol before and after the heading .For instance,'Binance '.The corresponding result would look like >> Binance


There are quite a number of actions you could perform on the text ;ranging from aligning of text into two cells, justify text, text subscript and superscript, referencing .

  • Aligning of text :

periodically we might want to arrange texts into columns or seperate to different languages,ideas in columns .we can effect this using markdown. For instance ,lets say i have these two sentences as the advantage and disadvantage of air transportation respectively;

'Agriculture is the cultivation of plants and rearing of animals. It is divided into commercial and subsistence agriculture'.

If i wish to arrange this two ideas into different columns; simply i will have to place <div class="pull-right"> before ' Agriculture is the cultivation of plants and rearing of animals ',and at the end of it we insert </div> before we align the second idea 'it is divided into commercial and subsistence agriculture'
Thus, we will obtain the following ressult

Agriculture is the cultivation of plants and rearing of animals

It is divided into commercial and subsistence agriculture

  • Adding superscripts and subscripts

To add superscript simply use the syntax <sup> before the word or number and </sup> after it . IF it was a subscript in the same manner replace 'sup' with 'sub' in the syntax.
EXAMPLES: oxygen( O2 ) was achieved using O<sub>2</sub>

in the same manner, 23 was achieved using 2<sup>3</sup>.
Again you can superscript a reference just in the same manner. let's say I want to reference, I simply put <sup>[any choice word or number] before it and </sup> after it. We get the following result >>
choice number .

  • creating strikes over a text :To do this simply use the syntax ~~, before and and after the text. EXAMPLE


LINKS are very important while writing,they serve as source to more information to what you are writing.It can also be used to reference one's work.
we can add links by simply using this syntax []() .also note that by using @ with a word automatically it becomes a link in steemit .we can also hide links using the same syntax.


Sometimes we may need to provide some data or information in the form of tables.We can also achieve this using syntax.

A table comprises of a number of parts namely; the header,the rows,columns. with the header being simply the first row and cell the first column.

To create as much header(row) as you want simply use the syntax -
Header 1 | HEADER 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 ... in this manner

To create corresponding cells(columns) we simply use the syntax-


Ok lets try something. let's make a table of rows and columns

ethereumbitcionripplestella lumen

just like that in that manner you can create as much columns and rows as you need.


Sometimes it's important to provide information to the source of your videos, sometimes we might need to insert videos into our works for quality demonstration of idea.Which ever reason it is that we need this video ;you can put up this effects using syntax'
This will automatically do the trick for you. Example lets upload a video from yoube on bitcoin

For images : there are a number of actions you can do to inserted images ;such as align to the left, right, can also make your image a clickable one ,i.e to open to a new bigger version or to its source. For example let's upload and image and perform thisactions on it .

image source

We can align this image to the left side or to the right or even to the center .

Let's align image to the right-Simply copy the steemitimage link and remove![text] (last parenthesis) then insert <div class="pull-right"> and </div> at the beginning and ending of image link respectively.

This is the product of inserting the syntax along side the image link

In the same manner we can choose to align the image to the left. Let's try this-Simply copy the steemitimage link and remove![text] (last parenthesis) then insert <div class="pull-left"> and </div> at the beginning and ending of image link respectively.

This is the product of inserting the syntax along side the image link

Let's align the IMAGE to the center-Simply copy the steemitimage link and remove![text] (last parenthesis) then insert <center> and </center> at the beginning and ending of the image link respectively.

NB:sometimes you come across an article and wonder which Markdown was used to achieve a particular effect,in order to know this simply edit the link of this article and change to
Notice that the only editing that happened is just replacing iton steemit with d with that I get to see the markdown used.
Thank you

 4 years ago (edited)

hi @diplomatic, I am pleased to inform you that you have been verified for this task.
thank you for completing your achievement task up to this level, you can now take advantage of the 500Sp minnow support program by @cryptokannon, check herefor users who their Sp is below 500.
You may proceed to the next achievement task and continue to use this guide by @cryptokannon to prepare.

task rate:3

 4 years ago 

I'm not @walid34.

 4 years ago 

Thank you so much. Te amo señora

 4 years ago 

Hi, @diplomatic,

Your post has been supported by @ngoenyi from the Steem Greeter Team.

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