ACHIEVEMENT 3 by @ayeshasadiqa | TASK: Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Greetings to Everyone!

I Hope everyone is doing well! I have Completed My Task Achievement 2 and this is my Achievement #3

I am much obliged and want to say thank you to admins and moderators who verify me here and supported me also, thank you Miss @vvarishayy and @tocho2 for your Support.

Achievement 3 Task: Content Etiquette



My Special thanks to @cryptokannon and @cryptotofiend for detailed Guidelines and articles on ACHIEVEMENT Tasks
After reading the complete guideline given by @cryptotofiend, I got idea about the task 3, which is about Content Etiquette.
Let’s start here from today task.

What is Plagiarism?

In simple words we can define Plagiarism is a copy paste work, for example a person do some hard work and do some research on a topic and write down its findings and a second person just steal his information and get credit of it is said to be plagiarism.

"Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work.”


Stop Plagiarism

Plagiarism is short cut and easy method without doing any effort, but this is not legal, ethical and moral act. To steal someone work and do not give credit to him, and without his permission use his work and get credit over it.

Sometime people do not aware from it that they are doing illegal work they do unintentionally. The best practice is that we have to stop copy pasting other work, we just try to our own and after proper workout and research we have to publish our work.

Plagiarism (1).jpg


Try to Be Original

If you try on your own and do some research then you can would be able to produce some unique and useful content which would also appreciate by others. And you will feel proud and get rewarded on your work.
There are some useful tips that I found which can help to avoid the plagiarism, and I hope these will find you best to avoid Plagiarism.

Tips to Avoid plagiarism in Your Content

First thing which matters a lot is the selection area of your research work, If you are able to find study material and information easily then it would helpful for produce the something new in a unique way.


  1. Try to get information from multiple sources, so that the data which you will collect would have more diversification and sound in it.

  2. If you want to use some data or information as it is then give proper credit to real author by citation and references of source where you have taken. Always try to express your thoughts and words even you got some idea from other.

  3. Brainstorming is the best technique do it before you are going to draw your final thoughts, arrange your content try
    Do some analysis and some brain storming on your data and topic before convert it into your words into final work.

  4. Always perform some plagiarism check on your content by using some online available tools and make sure your plagiarism should be less than 10% of the total content.

On the last I want to say something on Steemit Etiquette by posting a statement guided by @cryptotofiend and @cryptokannon.


"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them."

This was About the Third Achievement on SteemIt, I have started this Journey with Passion and I hope my Journey on SteemIt would be Very interesting.

On the Last I want to say special Thanks to the admins & moderators of this community, And Special Thanks to @cryptokannon for start this initiative.


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