achievement#03 @anaskhan58 Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Communitylast year


hello friends i hope you all will be fine nd happy today i reading 3rd acchievement nd i had learn more things that i want tio share with you guys so the achievement 3 have some amazing knowledge to share you guys so thats will be helpful to you guys so the achievemnt.3 Content Etiquette and Plagiarism.


What is Plagiarism?


plagiarism is define as a person copy a life style of others nd there profession nd work but they do not use there own mind nd idea.


plagiarism to understand that copy or cheating others nd uses other mind not there own mind they always r in race with each other but they didnt do there work by its own they copy eachother by ther profession nd doesnt provide there own idea or work but the work credit goes to the idea creater . they actually copy the others contents nd videos arts nd web etc but create its own .
if anyone need a image or video text or web etc have to take permission from the creater of that work or content


to understan about plagiarism for example as a person uploads a videro on youtube nd he work on that video or content from morning to night nd someone downloads yours video contant without his permission nd upload it on his channel
without any credit so its feels very had for the creater of cntent
as its also a lesson that if anyone still any content without credit or any profit this is called Plagiarism.

Type of Plagiarism:

.Global nd complete plagiarism
.Verbitam or direct plagiarism
.Source-based plagiarism
.Paraphrasing plagiarism
.Mosaic ot patchwork plagiarism
.Ghost-writting plagiarism
.Self plagiarism
.accident plagiarism


so guys let me tell more in details its type to understand plagiarism step by step

Global nd complete plagiarism .

here are some different sorts of a majority plagiarism, and it can bee both intentionaal and unintentional. For Global plagiarism definition, it can be said that it occurs when someone copiess an author’s entire work and passes it off as their own.

In global plagiarism, source creator is not acknowledged for their hard work. It is a severe form of plagiarism as the students or writers are doing it intentionally. As they lie about the original authorship, it can be a severe problem for the students.

Verbitam or direct plagiarism:

Verbatim plagiarism means coppying text form a source nd posting it directlly into your own contents without giving proper credit.

Even if you delete a few words or replace them with synonyms, it still counts as verbatim plagiarism.

To use an authors exact words, quote the original source by putting the copied text in quotation marks and includding an in-text situation .

Source-based plagiarism:

source base plagiarism is that one of plagiarism in which the source of the content nd source of the cridit didnt goes to the owner of the text content creater . It happens when a writer does not cite a source fully and accurately. This could mean stating a fact that’s supported by two different sources, but only mentioning one of them; it could mean referencing a source of content that is incorrectly named source of information but citing the primary source reference on your document or videos.

paraphrasing plagiarism:

Paraphrasing is plagiarism if you text is too closer to original words. If you directly copy a sentence or phrase, you should be quate it insteadly . Paraphrasinng is not plagiarism if authors ideas completely on your own words and properly cite the source.

Mosaic ot patchwork plagiarism :

Mosaic ot patchwork plagiarism Students commit it when they copy a text, phrases, or paragraphs from a single source. In this case they many copy or cheat texts or phrases frm one source to another and use the ideas of the original work as their own without crediting the original author or seeking the author’s permission.

Ghost-writting plagiarism:

this form of writing work where a person writes an article or book to published under another name. Usually cliant use a ghost writers work . In this process of ghostwriting, the writer takes the role of both an author and a publisher.
for example ghost writers is for two reasons.

First, the ghost writer not creadit for the work with the cliant. Rather the cliant takes meritt for the output. Second it is technically for that taking another person work by without permission .

Self plagiarism:

Self-plagiarism is that when you make your own specific words nd idea from the work that i had done it previous work nd submitted. this might be like sound kind of silly you are the creater and you give yourself permission to use your own work.

accident plagiarism:

Accidental plagiarism is that when a creater write a content nd that are same withe other content accidently nd when a creater commits its misstake of the creater writing.
However its just because someone presented unoriginal work by accidently mean they are the clear. The creater must be happy in every source nd every quote is writting correctly so that credit is given where it is due nd this applies to the in both the classroom and the professional world


 last year (edited)

You need to provide examples of image quotes and text quotes in the Achievement 3 task.

please put a remarks,
"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them" at the end of this task post.

use tag #achievement3

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