Achievement 3 by @aliwattoo1 Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago


I hope that you will be well with the blessings of Allah Almighty and I hope that you will be fine. After the previous task, I uploaded a new task of achievement 3 so I hope that you will respond to me early.

What is Plagiarism?

Using others' thoughts, writings, or ideas on your own is called plagiarism. For example, if someone steals someone else’s work and passes it on to others in their own name, it’s plagiarism. The purpose of borrowing is to steal the works or photos of others and use them on their own. If it is called plagiarism, anyone who steals the ideas of others and uses them on their own is regarded as a serious crime. It is true.


Strict actions have also been taken against the theft of platforms such as Price. Anyone who does so may be prohibited from further posting, and the platform may be used for criminal investigations. Accounts such as em @steemcleaners and @plaendingplagiarism are always active and can detect and warn of theft. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to steal on this platform. Anyone may lose their credibility on this platform due to theft.

Due to the use of plagiarism, anyone may be banned from posting on this platform. Avoiding plagiarism is very important.

In order to avoid plagiarism, first, mention the sources of materials obtained from the Internet.

Try to produce your own content to avoid serious crimes such as plagiarism.

Use plagiarism recognition sites to avoid plagiarism and identify plagiarism in your content.

I have read and understood the article about the Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide (Revision 2.0) -Homage

I suggest that a person exclusively blogger and writer should always use copy-paste-free content and following all rules of plagiarism.





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