RE: Perhaps anarchy already exists and "THE COMMUNITY" is merely the highest manifestation of organized crime.
Gosh I would not where to begin. I have looked at the Holacracy thing before and I know they keep updating their Constitution. If I remember correctly it is NOT a user friendly document.
This guy rubbed me up the wrong way for some reason, not sure why. I am more intuitive than logical.
Despite my deficiencies (especially with regard to language) I have held management positions from the age of 19. I have never applied for a role as manger, I have always been invited. This is probably because I do not attempt to dominate people and do not tolerate those that do.
We are not so different from animals with regard to our natural inclination to organize ourselves into hierarchical structures. These hierarchies need not be tyrannical but unfortunately often are.
A less cumbersome approach than Holacracy may be to adopt NVC
I just looked up the definition of holacracy:
A holacracy is a governance structure characterized by a distribution of power among self-organizing groups, rather than the top-down authority in the typical hierarchical corporate culture model. A holacracy provides a flat management structure that distributes authority.
That pretty much describes my management style anyway and it has worked for me. However I was managing a small US owned NGO here in NZ and those guys are psychopathic. Not just that organisation but that whole Corporate world. It was a huge eye opener for me