RE: СONTEST! NEW! Как я впервые..// How I first..// #club75
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The first time I earned money was completely unexpected. As far as i remember I was 12 or 13 years old, and it was on the early '80s when Mrs Cristina, a neighbor, asked me to mow her lawn. So I grabbed my father's lawn mower, went to her house and started a task that seemed to me more than a play than a job. What I remember the most is that I was having fun and all I was thinking about was getting my job well done. So, in about half an hour I finished my job and Mrs Cristina approached me with a glass of cold lemonade and twenty bolívares that back then they were about 5 american dollars. At first I was confused because I didn't do it for money, but she insisted on me to take it. I took the money, thanked her and went back home. I was really happy and I realized that I earned the first payment on my life. I don't remember how I spent it, but most likely it was buying chocolates and snacks. I invite @ellieth to participate
Thank you, my dear friend! Didn't you think of mowing the lawns after that to get more money?)