Season 1 Save Water Save World

The popular saying goes "Water is life". Water is a fundamental amenity of life,with all it's freshness and witness, is repeatedly under attack in this "modern age". It is really that one is surrounded by life, yet choses death. Campaigns as this are launched regularly to create awareness and protect "life". Is it really enough?, One will ask. I really can't say that,but I will not laze around and watch this happen without putting in my value. All these with the super power I have; the pen.


Research shows that 97% of our activities involve water, with 3% for drinking. This goes to show without doubt,the importance of water in sustaining our lives. It is common knowledge that one can go days without food and still be alive as long as there is regular intake of drinking water. From how the cycle of life begins with water,to how plants grow in the presence of water and sunlight, to how plants grow side-by-side with cleaning agents, to how droplets of rain refreshes the atmosphere after an arid and humid period,the importance of water to life cannot be overemphasized. They exist together to form quality living. This water comes in various forms, from rain water,to oceans, to wells, to dams, to lakes, to rivers amongst others.

However,there's a major villain who is in strong contiminaton with water: Water pollution. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies with harmful substances, due to the consequence of human activities. It is saddening that Africa most especially is lagging behind in this initiative irrespective of numerous environments. Water pollution leads to water-borne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, river blindness, amongst others. It makes our water unsafe for cooking, drinking or other human practices. Water pollution is a big threat to aquatic life.


The major factor if water pollution is "oil spillage" and this cannot be by-sided. Filling up the oceans and rivers with non-decomposable wastes like plastics, nylons etc chokes up aquatic animals and clog water channels resulting in drastic effect and contamination.
Water pollution should be prevented at all costs due to its harmful effects. The earlier this is done,the faster the quality of our lives will increase.

Furthermore, without water, can our plants survive? I highly doubt, because without water our world will reak of dryness of food. Without safe water for food, humans will depend on dirty and unhealthy water with death being the order of the day in the long run. Without safe water,the plants won't grow and animals will die.


Safe keeping of our water with them being pollution free is a biggest flex. We cannot keep pointing fingers or passing blames and criticize the negative effect to our waters without a solution. Eco-friendly materials should be made available in contrast to statistics. This will help reduce the clogging up of water bodies. All inorganic and organic waste products should be recycled for use.

Government should provide mean of creating awareness to the uneducated. Also, citizens should be allowed to report incident of waste wastage. This will keep everyone in check like the 'Check-and-balance" system.
Again,I reiterate "Water is life", keeping our water safe is us saving our world.....

Thank you for reading my post, I would love to invite @vudeme123, @goodybest, and @alejos7ven to participate in this contest.

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 7 months ago 

আমাদের পরিবেশে অনেক উপাদান আছে। তার মধ্যে পানি সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান। পানি আমরা বিভিন্ন কাজে ব্যবহার করি। পানি ব্যবহার বলে শেষ করা যাবে না। আমরা পানিকে নানাভাবে দুষিত করছি। যেমন কীটনাশক ব্যবহার করে, ময়লা পানিতে ফেলার মাধ্যমে আর অনেক ভাবে।জনসাধারণকে সচেতন করা ছাড়া পানি দূষণ রোধ করা সম্ভব না। আসুন আমরা এই স্লোগান আগিয়ে যাই 'পানি দূষণ রোধ করি জীবন বাচাই।

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Hi beautiful, your post is really amazing and insteresting, thanks your sharing your beautiful insight, water pollution is very harmful to Huma health, we should avoid polluting our water,to maintain good health condition
Best regards to you dear.

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