Application For The Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 10 - Steem For Bangladesh CommunitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year (edited)


All cover edited by @ripon0630

Dear @steemitblog,
This is Steem For Bangladesh Community Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 10 Application Post. We are working with a very expert team. We all promised that if we are selected for Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 10, we must handle everything very efficiently.

The Purpose of Our Community

The sole purpose of this community is to inspire Bangladeshi as well as all other Steemit users and promote Steemit to the maximum level in Bangladesh. To make it easier for users to write posts, we will give priority to the mother tongue Bengali. We will bring out the tradition and culture of Bangladesh, literature, poetry, music, environment, specialties, etc through the sweetness of the user's post. We are announced complete freedom for all users in posting. To support all native and other users. Teach them proper guidelines and rules. To promote STEEM in Bangladesh widely by taking effective initiatives with integrity and dedication. Moreover, like all other native communities, our aim is to carry the identity of our country here.

A Brief History of Our Community

We created our community on 27, August 2022. Before this, the users were facing many difficulties due to the lack of native communities in Bangladesh. We started our journey for the sake of users and to promote Steem in Bangladesh. With the love of native users, the activity of our community increased within a few days. New and old users are constantly joining us. We are moving very fast towards our goal. we asked users to use their writing skills to represent our country to the whole world.

A list of all Founders, Administrators, and Moderators including their #club status

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Blue Express Delivery Service of Shipping Goods Facebook cover (4).jpg


Blue Express Delivery Service of Shipping Goods Facebook cover (6).jpg






Details of their community curation account, how it is being built up, and who holds the keys

Steem For Bangladesh community curation account name is @steem4bangladesh. The current Effective Power of community curation account @steem4bangladesh is 16,711.15.39 SP. The reputation is 68.464 And the voting CSI is 6.8 ( 0.00 % self, 79 upvotes, 46 accounts, last 7d ).

Each post is being set to 100% power to increase the power of the community account. In addition, all Liquid Steem added to community accounts are converted into steem Power. Also, users are encouraged to delegate to community accounts, so that community account buildup is possible with everyone's cooperation.

Two community admins, @msharif and @ripon0630, currently have all the keys along with the master password. All keys are secured online and offline.

Details of the community’s current policy for checking and commenting on posts
Verified User✅ or ❌1/1
#steemexlusive✅ or ❌1/1
Plagiarism Free✅ or ❌1/1
AI content generation✅ or ❌1/1
Bot Free✅ or ❌1/1
Club status✅ or ❌2/2
Quality Content2/2
Markdown Style1/1
Support #burnsteem25✅ or ❌
Voting CSI00.00 ( 0.00 % self, 00 upvotes, 00 accounts, last 7d )
Period (Club Status)Date to Date, Year
Transfer to Vestingx.x STEEM
Cash Outx.x STEEM

We are using these tools for every post-checking.

Plagiarism tools:

AI tools:

Details of how the community helps members improve the quality of their posts

We are providing various guidelines for users to improve the quality of their posts while reviewing posts regularly by community admins and moderators.

Besides, we are organizing online meetings to bring all the users together, where we are guiding everyone in the right direction about the platform and providing and encouraging the necessary guidelines to increase post quality and increase their own steem power.

Copy of Blue and White Calm Education YouTube Thumbnail(52).jpg
Post Link

We provide guidance to learn about how users can write quality posts and also improve their post quality. Additionally, we provide guidelines individually in discord.

Post Link

Besides, we are constantly trying to guide each and every user and try solve their problems.This initiative brings a very good result .

Also, currently, our community moderators are taking classes for all new users to post quality posts and inform them about the platform.

Besides, community admin @mharif is giving users a free 200 Steem delegation for one month to increase user activities.

Copy of Blue and White Calm Education YouTube Thumbnail(66).jpg
Post Link

Reasons why Our community should be selected for the Challenge

We are constantly developing since the beginning of our journey. Our community applauds all projects by the Steemit team. Our biggest achievement is that we have been able to gain active users in a very short period of time for which our community is included in booming support.

Our experienced Administrator team checks every post in the community very efficiently. We support good-quality posts from community accounts. Our Administrator team motivates all users to join the Steem Growth Project by boosting the posts of users in Club100.

Any common problems of users are solved very quickly by the Administrator team. User's posts are graded as quickly as possible. Our Administrator team behaves very friendly with users that's why users like to post regularly in our community.

Our team always follows the Steemit team's instructions regarding the contest. To keep the curiosity among the users, we are constantly running a unique contest that has gotten a huge response among the users.

Contact Details
AdministratorsDesignationContact Details
@msharifADMIN - FOUNDERDiscord: msharif#5177
@ripon0630ADMIN - FOUNDERDiscord: ripon0630#4573
@mostofajamanMODERATORDiscord: mostofajaman#2120
@enamul17MODERATORDiscord: enamul17#1941
@mdkamran99MODERATORDiscord: mdkamran99#1060

Have a question? Please contact us via Discord

welcome to steem for bangaldesh.png

 last year 

I am very thankful to steem for Bangladesh community for posting steemit engagement challenge season 10 application because our community is very important to be selected for engagement challenge season 10 but I think every admin moderator of this community they work very well with their dedication. Doing and all members of this community are sharing all their activities on this platform for which engagement challenge season 10 will play a very important role in our community through which we can present our Bangladeshi users about our own heritage culture literature poetry and environment in this engagement challenge. And by doing this, other countries will be able to know about our country very easily, not only that, through this engagement challenge, we will get to know other steamers about their country, we will also get to know about their experience, and we will be able to tell others about our own experience. This is Steam for Bangladesh community. I again thank the admins they have helped all the new and old members in many ways with their guide lines for which we newbies can easily understand and know about this platform and also other old steamers have joined this platform to move the platform forward quickly and its Only because these Steam for Bangladesh community activities are very nice and neat, however I wish you all the best for this Steam for Bangladesh Community Engagement Challenge Season 10 application.
Thanks All...

 last year 

Thanks for showing your love for our community. Hopefully we will get the opportunity like before and create a beautiful and pleasant environment for everyone. And we are ready to take this opportunity.

 last year 

Steem For Bangladesh এমন একটি কমিউনিটি যা আমাদের দেশের সকল ইউজারদের জন্য সুবিধাজনক। এই সম্প্রদায়কে এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাওয়ার জন্য, শক্তিশালী দল হিসেবে আমরা সক্ষম হয়েছি। আমাদেরকে সেই সাপোর্ট দিয়ে যাচ্ছেন কমিউনিটির এডমিন মহোদয় ও মডারেটরগনরা।

সম্প্রদায়ের উচ্চ পদস্থের ইউজারদের প্রশংসা না করলেই নয়, তাদেরকে প্রশংসা করার মতো সেই পরিমান যোগ্যতা আমার নেই। কিন্তু সামন্যতম জ্ঞান থেকে এতটুকু বলতে পারি, যে তাদের সততা ও মহানুভবতা এবং উদারতার প্রতীক যেন আকাশ ছোয়া। আমি অনুপ্রাণিত তাদের প্রতি।

যখন তখন কোন সমস্যায় পরে গেলে সাথে সাথে তাদেরকে নক করলে সমাধান করে দেন, কখনো বিরক্তিকর কোন আচরন তো দুরের কথা, সেই ভাবভঙ্গিও কখনো অনুধাবন করতে পারিনি। তাদের সাথে স্টিমে সময় কাটানো মুহুর্তগুলো সত্যিই আনন্দদায়ক।

আমি স্টিমিট প্লাটফর্মের উর্ধতন দায়িত্বশীল গন কে জানাতে চাই যে, আমাদের কমিউনিটির জন্য এনগেজমেন্ট কনটেস্ট সিজন ১০ কে মনোনীত করা হোক। আমরা সম্প্রদায়ের সকল দায়িত্বশীলগন ও ছোট বড়ো ইউজাররা মিলে এই প্রতিযোগিতা উপভোগ করবো। তাই আমাদের এই আবেদন সাদরে গ্রহন করার অনুরোধ রইলো।

 last year 

Thanks for showing your love for our community. Hopefully we will get the opportunity like before and create a beautiful and pleasant environment for everyone. And we are ready to take this opportunity.

 last year 

The community's admin-moderated panel carefully reviews each post. which is advantageous for us, the users.Each user is given the same importance here. I believe that the best community for that is engagement.I'm hoping that it will be chosen this time and given to us all as a good gift.

 last year 

Yes, brother.We are ready to take this opportunity. Hope it will be in our favour this time.🥰❣️

 last year 

Steam for Bangladesh community application will be accepted In Sha Allah. All the admin moderators of the Steam for Bangladesh community are very cooperative. I was very skeptical about many things until I joined the Steam for Bangladesh community. But since joining this community, I am learning a lot. There is still a long way to go. I am learning about many things through the monthly hangout. Everyone is helping a lot. As a citizen of Bangladesh, Steam for Bangladesh community is like a different kind of love. I wish the success of Steam for Bangladesh Community.
Thank you.

 last year 

Thanks for showing your love for our community. Hopefully we will get the opportunity like before and create a beautiful and pleasant environment for everyone. And we are ready to take this opportunity.

 last year 
নতুন করে বলার কিছু নেই. আমরা এর আগে একবার এংগেজমেন্ট চ্যালেঞ্জে অংশগ্রহণ করেছিলাম এবং আমরা সুযোগ পেয়েছিলাম কিছু করে দেখাবার জন্য. অবশ্যই আমরা আমাদের সাধ্যমত চেষ্টা করেছি টিম আপ করে ভালো কিছু উপহার দেয়ার চেষ্টা করেছি. এবারের জন্য আমরা প্রার্থী হিসেবে অ্যাপ্লিকেশন করেছি আশা করছি অবশ্যই আমরা ভালো কিছু ফিডব্যাক পাব steemit টিম থেকে. বর্তমানে আমাদের একাউন্টের এসপি বৃদ্ধি হচ্ছে ইউজার বৃদ্ধি হচ্ছে নতুন ইউজারদেরকে প্রশিক্ষণ প্রদান করা হচ্ছে এভাবে আমরা সামনের দিকে কমিউনিটিকে ধীরে ধীরে এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাচ্ছি এবং ভবিষ্যতে যাব ইনশাআল্লাহ. আমাদের সাথে শরিফ ভাই এবং রিপন ভাই অনেক সুন্দর ভাবে কাজ করে যাচ্ছে তারা আমাদের দেশকে সুন্দরভাবে রিপ্রেজেন্ট করছে বাইরের দেশে. আমরা চাচ্ছি আমাদের দেশে আরো ব্যাপকভাবে আলোড়ন তৈরি করুক steemit. ধন্যবাদ সবাইকে সকলের জন্য সুস্থতা কামনা করছি.
 last year 

Yes, dear brother.We are ready to take this opportunity. Hope it will be in our favour this time.🥰❣️

 last year 

There will always be respect and love for the beloved community. Steem for Bangladesh community as a clean and unique platform. I think this community deserves an engagement challenge. I think steemit engagement challenge will have steem for Bangladesh as a surprise this month.

Take love from solaymann ❣️❣️

 last year (edited)

Yes brother,🥰 I hope this time we will get this opportunity again.

 last year 

খুবই ভালো আবেদন। আসলে এই সরব কমিউনিটির জন্যে এটা টাইম ডিমান্ডং ছিলো।এখানকার মডারেটর এডমিন সবাই খুবই ভালো ও একটিভ। এনগেজমেন্ট চ্যালেঞ্জ ১০ এই কমিউনিটিতে দেয়ার জন্যে স্টিমিট টিমের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষন করছি। কারন স্টিম ফর বাংলাদেশ কমিউনিটি সুযোগ্য একটি কমিউনিটি।সকলের জন্য শুভকামনা।

 last year 

Thanks for showing your love for our community. Hopefully we will get the opportunity like before and create a beautiful and pleasant environment for everyone. And we are ready to take this opportunity.

 last year 

Yes We are counting the time. Because This is the best community I have ever seen.

আসসালামু আলাইকুম স্যার কেমন আছেন ? আপনাদের এত সুন্দর উদ্যোগ নেওয়ার জন্য অনেক ধন্যবাদ। আসলে নিজের কাছে অনেক ভালো লাগে যে আপনারা স্টিম ফর বাংলাদেশের কমিউনিটির জন্য এত সুন্দর আয়োজন করে থাকেন।

Les deseo mucha suerte en esta aplicación para la temporada 10 de los retos.

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