SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?".

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year

Hello Everyone
I am @sheponpal
From #Bangladesh

I hope everyone is okay. I am also fine by Krishna's grace. First, I would like to thank all the admins and moderators of the @Steem4bangladesh community. Who organized such a beautiful engagement challenge for us? This is my first engagement post on the @Steem4Bangladesh community, and because of this, I am delighted. So let's get started…

Contest- SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?".

Contest (3).pngMade by Canva

Contest Hints- 1

  • If you had the power to delete one thing from the Earth permanently, what would it be and why?

If I had a superpower, I would remove Polythene from the Earth with that superpower.Polyethylene is a Polymer of the chemical substance Ethylene. Polythene is a severe pollutant to the environment. And all compounds made up of chemicals are a threat to the environment. This polyethylene combines many Ethylene monomers under high pressure and temperatures that persist in the environment. Any soil microorganisms or bacteria do not decompose Polyethylene. Therefore polyethylene is a non-biodegradable chemical compound.


Polyethylene is a non-biodegradable material. All non-biodegradable materials are a threat to the environment. Since Polyethylene is a non-biodegradable material, it remains intact in the environment for hundreds or thousands of years. Due to this, the environment is polluted. Polyethylene provides a barrier to environmental interaction. It causes a lot of soil pollution and water pollution. Polythene has been present in the environment for a long time and has a severe impact on the ecology of a place. Wherever this Polythene is in soil or water, it destroys the ecology of that place. Plant growth is reduced due to the obstruction of the ecosystem. Polythene not only harms the environment, it also causes serious harm to humankind. Prolonged exposure to Polythene can lead to cancer.


Moreover, burning this polyethylene produces a large amount of Carbon monoxide gas, damaging the Earth's Ozone layer. Carbon monoxide depletes the Ozone layer. And because of this weight-layer loss, the sun's ultraviolet rays harm the Earth's climate. So this Polythene cannot be destroyed from the Earth even if it is burnt. Even teaching harms the world in one way or another. So if I had any power, I would make this Polythene vanish from the Earth.

sun-g6ebbb3497_1280.jpgOzone layer Pixabay

Contest Hints- 2

  • How will its absence positively impact society, nature, and humankind? Explain.

Polythene is harming this Earth in many ways. If the use of Polythene is banned worldwide, the production of Polythene is stopped, and if I can remove Polythene from the Earth, it will have a very positive impact. It will be of great benefit to all the people of the world.

  • How society will benefit if there is no Polythene:

Humans are social beings. People live together in society. Damage to society means damage to people. This use of Polythene is destroying the environment of our society—weight loss due to Polythene burning. Depletion of the Ozone layer is causing an increase in temperature in our polar regions daily. As a result, the polar region's ice is melting, and various countries and societies are drowning.

  • How nature will benefit if there is no Polythene:

Polythene damages the environment the most. Using Polythene is destroying our environment. Without Polythene, our environment would not be polluted. Soil pollution, water pollution, and air pollution will be prevented. As Polythene gets dumped into the ocean, it destroys the marine ecosystem. Without Polythene, the ecology would be delicate. As a result, plant growth will not be affected. If you wrap the root of a plant in Polythene, you will see that the plant dies because the roots of the plants cannot get the necessary nutrients from the soil by penetrating this Polythene. The plant will die due to lack of nutrients. So without Polythene, there will be no deficiency in plant growth. And nature will also survive beautifully. The beauty of nature will remain.


  • Positive impact on humankind:

If Polythene is not used, we, the human race, will significantly benefit. Prolonged exposure to Polythene can cause many diseases. It can even cause cancer. And the carbon monoxide gas produced by burning Polythene can enter our body with inhalation and destroy lung function. And breathing difficulties may occur. So if no Polytheneexists, we will be saved from all these deadly diseases. We can live a healthy life.


Contest Hints- 3

  • What can we substitute for it that has the power to resist all subsequent devastation?

Nowadays, Polythene has become our daily essential material. It is used in each of our cases. Polythene is mainly used to transport anything. Moreover, Polyethylene is used to make plastic products and ropes. So we have to replace Polythene today with different biodegradable materials. Researchers from various universities are developing bags to transport goods using different parts of plants as an alternative to Polythene, which is perishable. We can use paper bags. And does not harm the environment. All those bags are used in the developed world. And developed countries are limiting the use of Polythene. Developing countries like ours are still using Polythene. We must replace Polythene with biodegradable bags as soon as possible. The country's people should be encouraged to limit the use of Polythene. And everyone should avoid using Polythene. Alternative to Polythene bags is biodegradable, so our environment will not be damaged.

bags-g058241ffc_1280.jpgPaer bagPixabay


We all have to protect the environment. Polythene is not the only one that spoils our environment. Many other types of materials can pollute the environment. So we have to be vocal about using these environmental pollutants. Environmental pollutants should be avoided. Awareness should be raised among the people. Only then will we get a beautiful world back?

Before completing the post, I invite @mainuna, @ismuhadiadi, @butterfly-jt9, and @aatik to join this contest.

Thanks, everyone, for reading my post.

Best regard by @sheponpal.


One of the most disturbing wastes is plastic, because plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, and hopefully this contest can make us aware of the importance take care of the environment around us .

good luck friends.
Thanks for invite me to this contest.

I Will be a participate ✌️

 last year 

Thanks for visiting my post dear.

 last year 

হ্যালো আমার প্রিয় বন্ধুরা,

আমি সত্যিই আপনার লেখা পছন্দ করেছি. আপনি বলেছিলে পৃথিবী থেকে প্লাস্টিক চিরতরে নির্মূল করতে চান । প্রতি বছর হাজার হাজার টন প্লাস্টিক সামগ্রী তৈরি হয়; এগুলি মাটির সাথে মিশে না এবং যখন সেগুলি পুড়িয়ে ফেলা হয়, তখন কার্বন ডাই অক্সাইড বাতাসে প্রবেশ করে, দূষণের মাত্রা বৃদ্ধি করে। তাদের বিভিন্ন জায়গায় ফেলে রাখা হয়েছে। যা প্রতিনিয়ত পরিবেশ দূষিত করছে।

শুভ কামনা বন্ধু 💝@isfatema এর পক্ষ থেকে

 last year 

Thank you for visiting my post.

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 last year 

Hello, dear brother @sheponpal,
You have chosen "polythene" because it is causing massive damage to the lives of humans and other species as well as the environment. I agree with you on this. Only our awareness of its negative impact and willingness to use biodegradable bags can save the earth from the negative effects of polythene. Thank you very much for sharing your wish with us. Best wishes to you.

 last year 

Thanks for visiting my post.

 last year 

পলিথিনের ব্যবহার আমাদের জন্য অভিশাপ হয়ে দাড়িয়েছে। আমরা একটু সচেতন হলেই এর থেকে মুক্তি সম্ভব। কিন্তু আমাদের মধ্যে সচেতনাতার খুব অভাব।


 last year 

Thanks for your comment.

 last year 

আপনার সাথে আমিও একমত পলিথিন ভূমির জন্য খুব ক্ষতিকর। পলিথিনের কারণে ফসল হয় না।পলিথিন মাটির নিচে যুগ যুগ ধরে থেকে যায় কারন পঁচে না। শুভকামনা রইলো আপনার লেখার জন্য।

 last year 

ধন্যবাদ ভাই আপনার এই সুন্দর মতামতের জন্য।

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