SEC-S10W4: ''A terrible day of my life''

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year

Hello Steemians, The fourth week has kicked off with incredibly captivating contests. I am immensely grateful to the Steem For Bangladesh team for orchestrating this splendid competition. Thus, let's commence.


This isn't veritably recent but it was about three times ago that suddenly one day my kinsman fell sick, he was a veritably close friend of mine. I incontinently took him to the croaker so that he could recover and the croaker examined his health and specified drug. My kinsman endured temporary enhancement, but the following day his condition suddenly deteriorated again.

The croaker also examined him formerly more and handed drug, and he recovered again. still, the problem persisted, and his condition continued to worsen constantly. At that point, we all decided to take my kinsman to Lahore for a thorough scan. We went to Jinnah Hospital, a major sanitarium in Lahore, where the croaker informed us that my kinsman had cancer. We were all overcome with fear upon hearing this news.


latterly, the croaker admitted him to the sanitarium and initiated his treatment. After a many days of treatment, the croakers informed us that my kinsman's condition was deteriorating further, and the coming day, he passed down. I noway anticipated that such an event would do in my life, and that day was extremely ruinous for me. It felt as though the ground had been ripped from beneath my bases with similar woeful news.

Unforeseen demise isn't a significant matter because multitudinous individuals in this world pass away abruptly, and those who enter this world must ultimately depart from it. This is an unwelcome truth that no one can refute. Following that, there were fresh analogous occurrences where I witnessed unlooked-for fatalities. Through experiencing similar incidents constantly, I've grown habituated to them, and now they do not frighten me as much as I was terrified by my cousin's demise. I can not distance myself from death incidents, but I've fortified my heart because, as a Muslim, we believe that we all have to face death someday.

Regarding the last part of the question, I must say that even now, when I contemplate my cousin's passing, I come tremulous because I noway anticipated that my cousin would depart from me so quickly and return to God.


I gained multitudinous insights from this woeful and rueful event, and one of them is the importance of being prepared for any circumstance in this world. unanticipated occurrences can happen at any moment, and as this world is temporary, we should anticipate both moments of happiness and moments of sadness.

An inestimable lesson I acquired from this incident is the inarguable reality of death. It can strike us at any given time, so it's pivotal not to deny its existence and instead be constantly prepared for it. Death is an inarguable and bitter truth that applies to every existent in this world. Moreover, death is also mentioned in the Quran, our holy book.


Additionally, I realized the significance of not being proud of our material possessions in this world. Ultimately, we all have to return to Allah Talah, so rather than being prideful, we should strive to be righteous. Engaging in good deeds and extending help to others to the stylish of our abilities are essential if we seek a place in paradise( jannat).

Furthermore, I would like to emphasize to others that life can bring forth both challenges and joyful moments unexpectedly. Therefore, it's pivotal to remain set for these experiences. We should express gratitude to God for every blessing we receive and engage in worship to avoid the punishment of the grave and attain the loftiest position in heaven.

Invite @nayabshafqat @anelafatima @m-fdo @zory23 @steemdoctor1 @faridi1

 last year 

I fully understand that you are experiencing a difficult time and a painful loss with the passing of your relative. The death of someone close To us can Indeed be a shocking and devastating experience. It feels like we are losing a solid foundation In our life.

It is natural to feel anxiety and worry over the possibility of unexpected death, Especially after experiencing a profound loss. However, it is also important To remember that death is a natural part of life. Nothing can escape it, and eventually, We will all face it.

As you mentioned, your religious beliefs as a Muslim help you in dealing with death. In Islam, death is seen as a journey to the afterlife and a return to God. This belief can provide calm and strength In dealing with situations like this. Finding support from your religious beliefs and practices can be a source of calm and peace in the face of death.

It's also important to give yourself time and space To feel sad and grieve for the loss you've experienced. Everyone grieves in their own way, and it's Important To respect your own grieving process. Expressing your feelings To someone you can trust, such as a close friend, family, or mental health professional, can also help reduce the emotional burden you are feeling.

Remember that each Individual reacts differently To death and grieving. If you feel constantly anxious or have difficulty coping with your feelings, It's important To seek additional support from a mental health Professional. They can help you better explore your emotions and give you the tools you need To deal with any fear and anxiety that may arise.

May you find peace and comfort In the midst of your grief ,and may you receive adequate support In the face of death and loss.

Good luck.

 last year 

Thank you for your understanding and thoughtful response. I appreciate your acknowledgment of the difficult time I'm going through and the pain associated with the loss of a loved one. Your words about death being a natural part of life and the importance of finding solace in religious beliefs are comforting.

Indeed, grieving is a unique and personal process, and it's reassuring to know that it's okay to give myself time to mourn and express my feelings. Your suggestion of seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals is valuable, as they can provide guidance and help alleviate the emotional burden.

I am grateful for your kind wishes for peace and comfort during this challenging time. Your compassion and encouragement mean a lot. Thank you for your understanding and support.

 last year 

Lamento su perdida.

Cuando los seres que queremos parten tan repentinamente dejan un vacío terrible y nos hacen experimentar el día más terrible de nutras vidas y aunque el dolor es intenso es algo como dices inevitable, porque la muerte es lo único seguro que tenemos.
Nunca se está preparado para cuando la muerte ataca de manera tan sorpresiva, lo que si podemos hacer es valorar a nuestros seres queridos y decirles cuánto le amamos y vivir plenamente cada día porque no sabemos cuál de ellos será el último.

Buena suerte 🤞

Stay blessed 🙏

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