Betterlife /// Go to Bay on office leave and roam around the Sonar Hat land port.( 12.09.24)

in Steem For Bangladesh12 days ago

Visit Sonahati Land Port

September 12 , 2024

Hi, This is @mdyousufali, From Bangladesh

We, we are out for a walk, our traditional gold heart land port.
Starting with sincere and love to all today me and my beloved we went out to see some scenes of our native land port 1 traditional beautiful hut land port in Vikram district. Although staying in the city during a long busy schedule does not find any place to roam. We who live in the city are deprived of the love of nature and the air we get from nature. We may not want to merge with nature at any moment but when we go to the village environment we feel like going back to that childhood childhood time.
Me and my wife Journey by Byek
We usually leave the room around 8 or 8:30 in the morning to eat and drink, I take the car out of the house or remove the car. It is not cleaned properly because for a long time the elder brother does not have time to clean the car due to his busy schedule. So, since the rural environment bridge, we mainly use small cars and there are two brothers in every house in the village because the village has a carriage-horse road. So basically everything is passing through us one by one. Alhamdulillah, we go out after breakfast around 8:30 in the morning, then we go to the road in front of Sonahat Bridge and see a beautiful environment or get down there and we both stand for a while and talk our hearts out in the open air. Standing under the open sky, the moon, the sun, and the stars are all giving us light together.
After reaching Sonarhat land port we had some light breakfast. After that, the border of India is about one kilometer from the city where Bandar Main, the main land of gold, is located. So the border guard of Bangladesh i.e. BGP is banning the visitors from Bangladesh to go near the border of India. So previously, about two to three years ago, when we went to visit the Sonar Hat land port, we used to see it there. You could go almost to the border and they have a pillar with Bangladesh written on one side and India on the other. There was an opportunity to go inside that pillar to take pictures but now that opportunity has been missed.
Sonarhat Land port at Kurigram
Stone blocks imported from India
Coal and stone are mainly imported from India at Sonar Haat land port. And there are various bards of different traders from all over Bangladesh go there and they go and rent some space there. Various machineries are set up in the rented premises to break the big stones imported from India and supply them all over Bangladesh. And there are various traders through those traders all over Bangladesh we supply stone and coal from the land port at Sonar Hat. This makes the areas around the Golden Heart land port of Kurigram district very valuable. And if many die, those places have to be rented. Here you can see there are many stone steps, some pictures are sitting on top of those stone piles. However, this is the history of the golden land port and there is no commercial trade or fair organized here, but I hope that some such event will be organized in the future so that people from different places can visit the golden land port. There is a need to create such an environment with which people can wander to that place for some peace from their busy time. Visit for refreshment or free mind.
Near India
A place on the border between India and Bangladesh is the last border for those who visit Bangladesh from this place. Since then, there is no opportunity to reduce further in the future, BJP i.e. Bangladesh Border Guard is obstructing it. Anyway, we have said so far that you all will be fine and healthy here. And you must let me know if you ever visit the land port of Sonarhar.



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