Sharing My Own Writing about "Early Child Marriage in Bangladesh".

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year

This is @kanijakborbd
From #Bangladesh

Today I come here to share with you one of my academic writing that is "Early Child Marriage in Bangladesh". This is my writing that I wrote last semester. As in here people share different type of content, so I think it is a good idea to inform people about the consequence of Early Child Marriage through my post. I hope you like it.

Early Child Marriage in Bangladesh

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Source: Picture taken from Google and this poster made by Canva.

Early marriage is very common in Bangladesh. It is a system of weeding for girls when they are under age. To elaborate more, we can say it is a practice of wedding when both parties are under 18 years old. But, girls are more victims of it than boys. There is no such case for boys but girls. A fairly large percent of Bangladeshi people think of arranging a marriage for their young daughters as approved and encouraged by religious belief and social customs. Some people think early marriage is a religious and cultural duty. As an example we can say in islam, girls should get married after they have their first period. It is like a duty for their parents. If they do not obey that duty, then it will be counted as sin and socially condemned. This concept is racist and sexist because it make discrimination between boys and girls. If a boy does not get married after he becomes mature, then it is acceptable in the society but for girls it is not acceptable. It is clearly sexist between genders. Unfortunately, It has become so normal in Bangladesh. Early marriage is an old cultural belief in Bangladesh that's why it is so normal. In my culture people do not think girls can study or have a job like men. Girls can earn money if we give them a chance but unfortunately they don't get the opportunity to prove themself. Girls are always weak; they cannot be like men. They should raise children and do household chores according to cultural and religious faith. 13 million girls get married before they become 15 in Bangladesh. This paper is going to talk about two main reasons and two effects of early marriage. Moreover, it will talk about interesting things and one real life experience of early marriage. Therefore, the main two reasons for early marriage are poverty and social stigma. And, two effects are: one girl dropped out from school and died during childbirth.


First of all, despite significant progress in many gender and reproductive health indicators, two out of three girls in Bangladesh get married before 18. Most of them become mothers while they are still children. When girls get married early, they are more likely to drop out from school (Population Council, 2020). This is the major problem in Bangladesh now.



After marriage, they cannot continue their studies because of household work and maintaining a family. They are always busy working in a family, how will they continue to study? They need to cook, wash clothes and dishes, and take care of husbands and family members. It is really tough for underage girls to manage everything. They always feel a lot of pressure being married in their teenage years. When they are children, they need to take care of a family and work so hard as a housewife. It is really a big tragedy for underage girls.

Moreover, after marriage they do not have the right to share their opinions about study whether they want to study or not. But, it is really true that after marriage, girls cannot continue their studies. They drop out from school and focus on their married life. Sometimes, early marriages happen because of cultural beliefs. In my culture, it counts as good luck if people are able to marry their daughter before eighteen. If they fail to do that then people from society start to criticise it badly. Moreover, if any dangerous thing happened in that family, people count it as the punishment for not marrying that girl. This so lame thought that my community has.

According to UNICEF research 54% of girls in Bangladesh will be illiterate in 2030. We must invest now to secure girls’ rights to life and education, and reduce their exposure to violence and exploitation,” said Veera Mendonca(UNICEF, 2020). It is really urgent for us to take necessary steps to stop early marriage. Otherwise, we will be in trouble. Without an educated mother, we cannot imagine an educated nation said by Napoleon. Therefore, we should take steps and work on it as soon as possible.

Secondly, around 5200 women die every year in Bangladesh because of early pregnancy. Teenage girls do not have proper ideas of birth control. Because of lack of knowledge about protection they got pregnant before they became 20. And, during childbirth 21% of mothers die because of early pregnancy. Bangladesh is a first ranking country because of maternity deaths. It have high rank of maternal death in all over the world(Chaity, 2017).

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The new estimates reveal that 6.2 million children under 15 years of age died in 2018, and over 2,90,000 women died due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Since 2000, child deaths have increased by nearly half and maternal deaths by over one-third, mostly due to early marriage and unhealthy condition((UNB, 2019)
“Ending child marriage is a duty for both the Government of Bangladesh and people. However, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target to end child marriage by 2030, and the national target to end child marriage by 2041(UNICEF, 2020).” This is an unacceptable thing. Why is our country so late to take steps on early marriage? Bangladesh requires more efforts to bring change. They should take steps immediately to abolish early marriage from society.

Early marriage only does not have these two problems. There were a lot of problems because of early marriage. Some of them are violence, dowry and gender discrimination. Many girls have been victims of dowry after marriage. It was really horrible to see how their husbands beat them up for dowry(Islam, 2020). It is one kind of violence for money. This is the worst thing in Bangladesh in my opinion. Some people think that they cannot continue to educate their daughter because of financial problems but at last their daughter has been beaten up for dowry.

I think we need a society where people will not think that girls are weak and a burden. Cultural and religious belief should stop from now on.



People should not think girls do not have any right to study. They should think girls are also our child. We should give them the same opportunity as boys in the family. When we will start to think like that then this early marriage will stop.

Once again Thank you all

 last year 
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