SEC-S15W1: The Wonder of Science

in Steem For Bangladesh6 months ago (edited)

Just like it definition, SCIENCE IS LIFE, LIFE IS SCIENCE. There is no life without science and there is not science without life. Science rule the world and will always rule the world.


Science has helped build a great civilization. - What is your opinion on this matter?

I completely agree that science has been essential to the advancement of civilization. Scientific advancements have enhanced so many facets of our lives, from transportation and communication to sanitation and medical. Our lives would be considerably harder without science, and we might not have the contemporary amenities we take for granted today.

How do you think our lives would be if there was no science?

We would live quite different lives if science didn't exist. Our knowledge of the world would be far more constrained and we might not have many of the technology we take for granted today. For instance, we might not have access to modern medicine, transportation, or power. It's difficult to think about a world without science for ourselves!

If you could ask a famous scientist one question, who would it be, and what would you ask?

If I had the chance to ask a well-known scientist one question, I believe I would ask Nikola Tesla about his predictions for the future of electricity. He was an exceptionally talented scientist and inventor who produced numerous significant advances in the field of electricity. He would have undoubtedly had some incredible insights regarding the direction of technology and energy.

Share three amazing science discoveries that make our lives easier.

There are so many amazing scientific discoveries that make our lives easier, but here are three that really stand out to me:
Though there are an extensive number of incredible scientific advancements that improve our quality of life, these three particularly catch my attention:

  • Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin was a significant advance in medicine. This drug has transformed the way we treat infections and saved many lives.
    -Another ground-breaking discovery was Thomas Edison's creation of the lightbulb. We may now work, read, and go about our lives when the sun sets thanks to this device.
  • Jack Kilby's invention of the microchip, which laid the groundwork for modern computing and allowed us to create incredible technologies like the internet and smartphones, was another pivotal discovery. These three discoveries have had a profound effect on our lives and have enabled us to do things that were not even conceivable a few decades ago.

In summary, science has greatly influenced the modern world and made our lives easier. Numerous scientific advances, ranging from technology to health, have significantly changed how we live. It's fascinating to consider what fresh scientific discoveries might be in store as we look to the future. Who knows what incredible innovations the future may hold? There's no denying that science is a tremendous force for advancement and discovery, and it will continue to have an unimaginable impact on how we live.

I will like to invite @nsijoro @sirexcellence01 @emmy01 @bossj23 to participate in this contest

 6 months ago 

Science has shown us remarkable breakthroughs in medical science. Another example is Alexander Fleming's discovery of antibiotics to cure many diseases. We are constantly guided by science. Good luck to you.


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