Steem Inspiration Contest //The Pandemic Story by @MexacliffsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Inspiration3 years ago

Coronavirus a.k.a COVID19 has become a day to day word worldwide. Even a newborn baby can easily say COVID19 because it has become the word of the day. It is a pandemic the struck the whole world.


I first heard of coronavirus late December 2019 when it struck China. I sympathised with them and moved on. January 2020, I heard it is spreading to other countries, I got more alerted. Then I heard there is a trace of it in my country, Nigeria, I actually got afraid at first. The affected countries have locked down, are we going to lockdown too? How will we survive this?

By then I was doing my postbasic program in midwifery, which I started August 2019. I was to write my 1st semester exams ending of March 2020. I started wondering, if this gets serious that means all schools including mine will be closed down. We started praying it doesn't spread. The week before our exams we got the announcement, we all should go home. You can only imagine the sadness on our faces. Using 6 whole months to prepare for an exam and realising a week to it that you won't write the exams again. We all went home consoling ourselves with the thinking that maybe in a week or 2 we will be called back. Days ran into weeks and weeks into months, no positive news, all we were hearing was the increase in the number of affected ones. With time we deserted our books because we didn't know when the lockdown will end.

Meanwhile, price of foodstuffs were on the increase. There was no freedom of movement, and because of that if one has a pressing need to go out, going with mask was compulsory, and the transportation fare was double the normal price. Personally, I am not usually comfortable with mask, but I had to get adapted to it. Going out with makeup wasn't an option because the mask will mess it up, so natural face became the order of the day.


I even had a good friend of mine who was engaged and planning to get married by June 2020, she had to postpone it because large gatherings were prohibited. I stayed at home for 5months without my studies. That really affected me because, when we were finally called back by August 2020, I had to start reading all over again and time wasn't on my side, that affected my grades negatively.

But I am still grateful I survived all that. The precautions were worth it because life has no duplicate. For those who lost their lives, I pray their families get the needed consolation.

Thanks so much for this contest. @eliany and @esthyfashion, I'll love you to participate in this contest.


Beautiful entry, i just remember how it was.

Nice post dear

Thanks so much

Wellcome dear

The pandemic really changed everyone plan be it wedding, vacation etc, thank you for sharing @mexacliff

Thanks so much

Your welcome

Thanks for sharing

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