in Steem Inspiration3 years ago

Good morning fellow steemians, here's my story.

It was on a cold Saturday morning on the 11th of May, a week after my birthday. I had just celebrated my 7th birthday anniversary, and was still wallowing in the euphoria of the birthday celebration. On this cold morning, as usual, I had completed my chores of sweeping the lawn, cleaning the tiled verandah and mopping the louvers on the windows of the parlour. This chores were my responsibility, since my mum and my elder brother, will take care of both Kitchen affairs and interior cleaning respectively.
We (my family) were living in a family compound,which took residence of my parents siblings and some tennants. Also in residence were the children of these co-occupants, who happen to be my friends. We also shared a lawn at the frontage of the house, which we play some games on it. On this fateful Saturday morning, after I had completed my chores, I went on to take my morning meal of beans and pap. This meal combination was regarded as the sleep medicine, owing to its characteristics of causing dizziness immediately after consumption. Although I felt tired and sleepy after the meal, I went on to join my friends (Sammy , Wilson and Mfon) in our usual 2 aside football match. We played for about one and a half hours, and the match ended abruptly because I was inefficient in my plays , creating poor passes and getting tired easily. My partner Mfon was already disappointed with my performance and protested for the discontinuation of the match.
We all exited the lawn, and then sat on verandah where we decided to rest for a while. After some minutes of resting, we saw a kid( a young goat) jug out from the backyard.

download.jpeg A kid (young Goat). Picture Source: Google images

It was my uncle's goat (Sammy's father), and we all had been responsible for the upkeep of the goats which numbered as nine, 3 matured females, 1 matured male and 5 kids(young ones).
We all highlighted from the verandah in pursuit of young goat, trying to get it back into the Pen (goat house). The goat being more swift than us gave us a tough time in getting it into the Pen. We finally succeeded after many attempts, and the kid was finally in the pen with it's fellows. Since we were keen on making sure that no other goat left the Pen, we decided to tie all the goats to their Stanchion to prevent their easy mobility. I myself took a rope to tie the only matured male in the flock, which resisted heavily. I persisted in my quest to pin down this billy-goat, which happen to be the most tedious task of my life as at the moment. Being encapsulated in this task, I lost track of what was happening around me and with my friends. Little did I know that my Uncle was back and all my friends were out of the pen. On realizing this, I left the goat at its peace, and waited for my Uncle to handle it.
My uncle was with a very huge amount of forage feed for administering to the goats. Since the forage was enormous and was on top of my uncle's head, it imparied his view and sight of his proceedings. As he tried to find his way into the Pen with the forage on his head, he hit the central pillar of the thatch and mud-constructed pen. The central pillar made of bamboo was already feeble and on impact with the forage, the whole pen constructed with mud and thatch came crumbling. Since my friends were already out, and my uncle was also quick enough to dash out of the Pen before the whole structure crashed, I happened to be the only human being left inside the pen when it crumbled. The last thing I remembered was my uncle and friends shouting, the faint sounds of desperate bleating from the goats and the feel of an enormous impact on my seven year old back, suspected to be a hit by one of the crumbling walls debris.
I woke up after some while with a severe headache and temporary blackout of the last events, and eventually I had been hospitalized for about a weeks.
My father recounted the events to me , explaining how I narrowly escaped death and a substantial disability from the incidence, and mildly blamed my sluggishness in exiting the pen during the incidence. I was discharged from the hospital 3 days later to reunite with my friends and my family. Since then, I've been living with the testimony that I serve a God of second chances.


Thank you for taking time to read my short but evergreen story.

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