in STEEM NIGERIA4 years ago

I got dressed and came out, then I saw my husband and Mark talking, then he looked at me and he smiled… He saw me this time, he saw me!...Then that thought came; “I really hope he’s having an affair”…


“Hi! Hope you slept well?” he asked.
“I did, good morning” I replied
Mark couldn’t stop staring at me, it made me uncomfortable and I told Jack to hurry up so I could go to work early. He said his goodbye to Mark, and we went on our way.

The road was very busy, many homes had not recover from the storm. While some were walking hurriedly to work, others, were honking their horns desperately as if that would hasten the traffic. I kept looking outside the window, I didn’t say anything to Jack, not like he would listen. He had that look he always have when he’s distracted. I wondered what it was that was eating him up. Every time I asked, he said nothing was wrong and that I was just being delusional.

We got home quiet early, and he still didn’t say a word to me. How could he be so insensitive? I wondered if he even suspected if anything happened in Mark’s house, he just concentrated so much on the newspaper in his hands. I wondered when he became a fan of newspaper, was I that boring to him? I decided to break the silence;
“I met Mark on my way from work, and he decided to give me a lift. The storm met us on the way, and we were close to his place, that’s why I was with him”. I lied, but he said nothing, and he didn’t even give any sign.
“Jack!” I shouted.

“What?” he asked aback. “Sorry, you were saying?”
“Never mind” I shrugged.
I dressed up, and left the house angrily, slamming the door behind me to prove that. How could a man be so cruel to his own wife? I didn’t know how much longer I could take this. I took a cab and headed for work.

I got to the shop quite late, but my boss seemed to be in a good mood. I started my daily routine, when Charles, my co-attendant came and told me to serve a customer his order, I asked why he couldn’t and he said the customer insisted on me. I wondered who it was, I went to the table and it was Mark.

“What do you want?” I asked.
“Is that the way you treat every customer, or am I just different?” he said sarcastically.
“What do you want?” I repeated sternly this time.
“I want to talk to you” he said.


“I am sorry, but I am working” I hissed and started to leave. He grabbed my hands.
“I am sorry about this morning” he apologized.

I collected back my hands and left, he also left eventually.
It was 2 pm in the afternoon when Charles brought a bouquet of flower to me. He said someone had dropped it for me some minutes ago and he had lost the card that came with it. I looked at it, and it was orchid; my favorite. Jack always bought me Orchid whenever he offended me, I was so happy. I felt things were finally falling into place.

I finished quite early that day and I rushed home to prepare his favorite. I also branched a boutique to get a sexy night dress. He came home that night, had his bath, and ate his dinner. All this while, I was making some gestures to him, but he didn’t seem to read the sign. He finished eating and headed straight to the bedroom and I followed after him. He took his newspaper and started reading again; I paraded in front of him more than 5 times, I even pretended to pick imaginary things up from the ground, yet, he didn’t seem to notice, so I decided to go straight to him, and ask for what is rightfully mine!

“What is it?” he snapped at me, when I tried to tap him.
“Have I offended you? Is there something I did wrong? Please tell me and I will apologize”.
“You’ve done nothing wrong” he replied.

“Then, why do you treat me like I’m your enemy? What have I ever done to you?” I shouted close to tears. Yet, he said nothing. I didn’t know when the word slipped out of my mouth; “Are you having an affair?”

He looked at me in disbelief and said; “I need to sleep” he turned off the lamp, and turned the other side.
I cried my eyes out that night, I looked at my husband who no longer looked me in the eyes again. I just wished he had said something, denied it maybe; a simple ‘No’ would have been enough. I wondered where I had gone wrong. Then I was distracted by the notification light on my phone. I checked to see the message; ‘I hope you liked the flower?’ it was Mark. This was too much for me to bare. I started to cry the more.

The slam of the toilet door woke me up. I had slept off on the bedroom couch. I stood up and went to prepared breakfast. Then Jack came downstairs and headed straight to the door. He didn’t even say goodbye, he didn’t eat his food, and he didn’t even see me.

I got dressed and was about leaving for the shop when the doorbell rang, I went to open it, and it was Mark.
“What are you doing here?” I asked surprised.

“Since you are refusing to talk to me or return my messages, I decided to come in person” he said.
“You need to leave now” I pleaded.

“Why? I know your husband isn’t in” he said, moving closer to me.
I kept moving backwards, begging him not to come any closer. He kept persuading me, telling me he couldn’t sleep or do anything, and that he couldn’t get me out of his mind. I kept moving backwards, trying to avoid any body contact. I soon came to a halt as I pressed myself to the wall behind me. I wanted intimacy so badly, I was still horny from last night, but I didn’t want it this way.


Mark soon started to touch sensitive parts of my body, I tried to push him away, but my hands suddenly became weak. I tried to run, but my legs went lame. He kissed my head, then my eyes, nose, my neck, then he settled for my lips. I couldn’t resist it now, I held him close to me, I held his shirt so tightly and let him consume me.
Then the door flung open; it was my husband…

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