in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago

Often times multi-talented persons are the objects of envy. Friends, family and fans admire their ability to do so many things almost at the same time, and many wish to be like them. However the truth remains that multi talented person are the most confused, their possession of many abilities is their worst woe. Often times they end up not making the best use of any of their aptitudes. Today's discuss on "What if's" is actually a very important one as it will be providing a benchmark for some confused persons who are where I used to be.


When I discuss the issue of converting your potentials and innate abilities to capitals and happiness, by selectively being effective, the first question I often get asked is "What if I am multitalented? How do I select which of my talents to develop and which to let go?"

Truth is, I understand how difficult this decision can be because I talk from my own experience as a multi-talented person. I claim no expertise, but there are ways around it. If you ever find yourself in this situation, you must consider these three questions:

1)Which of these talents, abilities of yours adds value to your life, to your sphere of contact and the society at large? Select the talents with the greatest immense value.

  1. Which of these gives you more fulfilment? Which of these give your life a meaning? choose a career path that brings you fulfilment. Having an ability to do something may not ensure fulfilment in doing it yet there are things that automatically gives us joy, things that the mere thought of doing them eases the soul.


3)Which of these can financially empower you and make you self-dependent? Though this may be considered lastly yet it is an important point to bethink.

You must understand that these questions came in their order of hierarchy. The value a mission has and the fulfilment it brings must be considered first before the financial input. We must never forget that though we wish to make money, it is of essence that we do that with comfort and ease. There is no point going ahead with a venture that has little value or brings no fulfilment just because of the money it will yield. My idea of making money is the one that goes hand in hand with getting a fulfilled life.

Another frequently asked question that I often get is "What if after doing an evaluation with these questions, I can't still narrow it down to a singular selection?" This I perfectly understand too, as the decision is a hassle filled one, so many things turn out to have almost the same importance to you the decider.

However being selective does not mean being singular. It simply means that one ought to have areas of specialization, it could be one singular activity or two or three but everything can't be business to you. There are a thousand and one ways of creating genuine wealth but not all of them are meant for you.

Specializing in one or two, gives room for optimum concentration and heightened efficacy. The more filled your hands are with activity, the less productive you are, the less your competence in any area.

There must be certain aptitudes of yours that would be forgone, in order to grow the rest. Taking myself as a personal example, i can sing, dance, act, write, I have a Bsc in Basic Medical Science and have practiced as a histologist and pathologist's Assistant, I have passion for sports, motivational speaking, I make beautiful sketch and drawings, I design. Don't forget I make beads, shoes, bag, soap, Dettol, perfume, cream and I love good business, I market as well etc.

I don't intend to blow your minds but I am being honest. There is no way I can focus on all these. However, there are ones that are co-related and can easily co-exist. There are ones I value more than the others, there are ones that i would never settle for because I have to die unfulfilled doing them. All these helped direct me to the path I am currently on, a path less crowded.


When you make your decisions, stick to them, till they work. The fact you are sticking to two/three of your abilities, doesn't mean all of them would materialize at the same time. If you can work on all at the same time, do so, if you can't take your time and develop each skill one after the other. Don't let just anything that looks promising steal your attention from your destination. Every opportunity is not for you if it is not in line with where you are headed.

If there are other "What Ifs" you would want us to look at, don't forget to mention in it in the comment box. Your own opinions matter.


You are absolutely correct, is like I am been motivated right now. Nice

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