Creating Amidst of Challenges

in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago

Hello everyone, trust I meet you all doing good?

At times I wonder if I'm truly being affected by challenges in life or I am just being lazy. It's unquestionable that every human present on earth experiences at least one challenge or the other. In fact, life itself is a challenge. But what could be questioned is; Is the individual really being affected by the challenge(s)? Every creature (including humans) have something called Adaptation skill, and this is the ability to fit into ones environment or situation as the case may be. But do one really get used to a situation that he/she doesn't get affected by it at all? Well, that has been my thought since I was out of bed this morning and I decided to do a freewrite.

I've been a student for the past four (4) years and I began my content creation journey three (3) years ago when I found Steemit. And as you might have known that a student spends nine (9) months in total in school out of the available twelve (12) months in one year. With this kind of he tight educational system, a student would barely have time to engage in other extra activities they may find interesting or fun.

I'm a Student and a Content creator, and this two activities at times can be almost conflicting. As a Student, you are required to consume contents while being a Content creator is the complete opposite. Although, Content creators also do consume contents but its not mostly the kind of contents school needs you to consume which are usually education related only. As a Content creator, I want to consume contents related to what I create about so that I can get inspired to create more contents, you feel?

But being a student has in a way or the other slowed down my content creation speed. But I've tried to manage both of them quite well but I still wonder why I can't do both without having to give excuse to one party at some point. Maybe I blame myself for not being discipled enough also cause I'd rather choose to rest or sleep whenever I feel tired. Maybe pushing further could have helped me achieve more, who knows? I just wish I could have a better insight.

At this point I feel I should have been able to adapt to the challenges accompanied with studying in a Nigerian institution and still keep grinding hard with my content creation journey, but it seems I can't just figure out how or I've failed to learn how to take advantage of my environment. Although, I still can create despite the challenges but I just wish I could do it effortlessly without getting frustrated or lost in the process.

Yes! I create contents despite being a student and a content creator is challenging. But I still wish I could just do both effortlessly without one having to lag 🙂

PS: I know I've talked so much about this issue, but this is just me again expressing my thoughts and not complaining about it.




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