That Special Book

in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago

In the first week of January 2018, a soul-sister gave me the book “Girl Entrepreneurs” as a late birthday gift. Mind you, that book was nothing less than 4000naira on Roving Heights where she bought it from. For this baby girl and I, books are one of the things we mutually treasure. A major business vision clarity I received early in the year came while reading that book and praying along. That clarity brought Pen-Impact to where it is currently.


There were many plans I shared with this baby girl of mine, she would not only criticize them intelligently but would also send reminders to me asking me “how far that book you wanted to write?”

When she visited my house in Abuja all the way from Jigawa, I took a sneak-peek into her prayer/bible journal, and on the list of those she prays for, I saw my name with a certain day of the week allotted to me and there were others on that list. (Meanwhile I didn't know she also went through my own journal, doing FBI has always been our shared hobby).
We don't exactly talk everyday but each time we do, it is like we never had a break in between.

If there is someone that I find at every corner of my life, it is this lady. If I talk about secondary school, she is there. If I talk about University, she is there. If I talk about Christian ministry, she is there, if I talk about the time I had accident, she is there in the story, if I talk about movies, preachers, family, she is there. In fact, our mothers came to know one another the day she asked her mum to drop a book in my house for her (this was sometime in 2010), that visit lasted for hours with the two mothers gisting away in the sitting room.

We have the craziest fights and the much more humbling settlements. I remember after one hot, I mean very argument, I felt so bitter and as I wanted to pray, God was pointing out to me how I would have acted better and things would not have escalated to the point of me being hurt by words, so I quickly accepted my own wrong to myself and I went to chat her up to apologize, only to see her apologies. I am sure God was speaking to her too.

I remember when we were having series of argument, she asked “When was the last time you prayed for me?” She admitted it had been a while she prayed for me, and she ended by saying, “the less you pray for one another, the more your differences grow”.


She has written me birthday notes, from time to time. I still have the one she wrote in 2014 tucked somewhere in my email (she actually emailed it to me) and my year one phone still contained some , but you see this one right here , it weakens me to my knees and brings me close to tears each time I go through it, this is the first time I would be sharing it publicly, and I hope she doesn't stone me for doing so.

Received 29th Nov, 2018.
“DDK wrote in her book FIREBRAND that Covenant relationships happen when the Holy Spirit draws a line between people of similar seasons and connected callings, as well as intersecting paths and crossing journeys. And I very much agree.

Who would have thought as 10 or 11 year old acquaintances back in Rose House, that the Holy Spirit was busy drawing a line of intersection that we never knew of or could have guessed of? Who would have thought that back in the days of Cherry House as senior secondary students that the Holy Spirit was doing some underground work in bringing two persons who He would be needing almost 10 years later to join forces with Him in an area of ministry?? From getting a random call about you to the post-hospital visits to securing admission in UNIZIK to our days in Okofia, He was busy drawing a line in our hearts, in our destinies making sure we intersect at many points.

I am not in doubt whether ours is a covenant relationship. Can't remember the first time we met or what you may have said or I might have said that brought us together. I definitely know our initial contacts were not too striking. Well, maybe until final year in high school - When we became "detective" buddies. A very shallow bond, one may describe. But somehow over the years, we have bonded and binded.


Our friendship has taught me a couple of things. We stick to people not because of social reasons or because we see eye to eye with them always or because we share similar views often. No. We stick to people because we have discerned that our meetings have been ordained and they have been sent into our lives for a reason.

Over the years, we have been through thick and thin; figuratively and literally. (Yeah, we are not exactly thin but only those with clear visions can see into the Spirit ). And the biggest thing I love doing with you - faith adventures!! And when God is stretching our faith, I somewhat relax because we are in it together. It is always an exhilarating experience when we look back at how far God has brought us.

But that's not the most interesting thing about you.
I am not going to think twice before saying this: You are the most diligent and hardworking young person I have ever met. And I am not saying this because you are my friend. Well, maybe because you are my friend and I have seen you up close, behind the scenes. You put in so much sacrifices to get things done, even at the expense of sleep for so many days. And it not because anyone made you do it. You only chose to do it to get things done. When I look at you, I cringe at my laziness but I go back to sleep afterwards. Because I love my sleep .

Jokes apart, you motivate me to go hard after my God-given dreams and pursuits and shamelessly at that. You are ready to do anything (provided it doesn't cross moral lines) to get things done. Without giving a hoot about what people think. I think I need your impartation for that grace. To fix my eyes on the goal and no stopping till it is accomplished.

Or is it your multi-passionate nature? I get fascinated and concerned all at once. But in all, I am so proud of you. Having known you for so many years and watching you grow, I am so proud of the woman God is making you into.
As you add a year, it was laid in my heart on Sunday to tell you that;


Your horn will be exalted like a wild ox;
You have been anointed with fresh oil.
Your eyes will see the desire on your enemies;
Your ears will hear your desire on the wicked who rise up against you.
You shall flourish like a palm tree
You shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

You are planted in the house of the Lord and therefore you shall flourish in the courts of your God.
You shall still bear fruit in old age
You shall be fresh and flourishing,
Your descendants will be mighty on earth;
Your generation will be blessed.

Wealth and riches will be in your house,
And your righteousness will endure forever.
Unto you, light shall arise in the darkness;
You will be in everlasting remembrance.
You will not be afraid of evil tidings;
Your heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord .


Your heart is established;
You will not be afraid, until you see your desire upon your enemies.
And your horn will be exalted with honor.

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