in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago (edited)

Hello and good day fellow steemians.
@samsuccess thanks for organizing this contest.

Who couldn't love to save and invest!!!


Investment is an assest or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate in valueat some point in future. For instance in cryptocurrency investment is like buying a coin or token at a particular especially when the price is low and the token is just launched and holding that coin or token for a long (hodl) as possible believing that it will appreciate in value. Investment can be in the form of acquring properties (real estate, land etc), shares (banks, crytocurrency), bonds.
While saving is simply income not spent, it is a process of keeping aside a portion of current income for future use. Like what we do mostly in Nigeria banks and piggyvest. Saving is mostly for rainy days!!

Difference between saving and investment

While they are both for future use, saving is noy the same as investment.

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Some of the differences are:

  1. The risk involved in saving is low compared to investment
  2. Return or interest on saving is often much low as compare to investment
  3. At times of critical period or emergency saving serve as handy cash while Access to money in investment depends on the kind of investment (e.g shares can't be gotten as quickly as possible)
  4. Investment is more of a long term plan for bigger financial goal as saving is more of avoiding debt, reduce financial stress.

Personal scenarios

I prefer investment more to saving as in Nigeria i wouldn't tell someone his/her money is saved. Imagine a scenario you kept #10,000 in your bank account, month end bank will remove electronic fee, ATM maintenance, Sms and email alert and stamp duty to mention a few, at the end of the month your #10,000 would have reduce to God know how much but then if you invest that same money into buying a potential crytocurrency or maybe buying a landed properties (with a huge amount of money) in months or years to come that money would have been doubled. Last year december i bought dogecoin worth of #2000 fast forward to April of this year i made ×10 of the money i used in buying dogecoin.
Yes investment is more riskier than saving but life itself is a risk.


Saving doesn't make one rich or wealthy but investment do. Take a look around and you will see from wealthy people around you that they invest more.

Money is not mean't to be kept (even our banks they invest with our saving and pay us peanut from it) but to be invested with.

Once Again who wouldn't like to save and Invest

Thanks for reading

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