The Greatest Gift We Can Give

in STEEM NIGERIA4 years ago

Greetings from me to you and how are your doing today?

First we need to recall that God sees not as man does and so are His blessings when they come.

Jesus watched as the people brought in gifts, he wasn't thrilled until a poor widow threw in 2 mites, others brought in millions but Jesus said 'that woman gave more than them all' (Mark 12vs41-45).


We recently experienced a very painful and difficult trial in our family. It was an experience that I pray no family has to go through, but it opened my eyes to so many beautiful truths. (Yet again proving the words of Romans 8:28: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” We saw without a doubt that God intervenes in the lives of His children. He felt His love in our preservation, and our faith grew deeper and more secure.

One of the blessings that I, as a mother, experienced was watching my oldest son. Through everything that was going on, he was calm. He was firm in his belief that God was greater than any sin, any problems, any failures, any worries. He was compassionate and filled with grace towards his brother who struggled with feelings of doubt. I watched how the grace that one brother showed another bloomed into a beautiful realization that God’s love is complete. God doesn’t view us by our shortcomings but through the sacrifice of His Son. God doesn’t expect us to be more than we are. He doesn’t see our struggles as disqualifiers. Rather, as Paul boldly proclaimed in 2 Corinthians 12:9, God declared: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

The greatest gift we can give to the people around us is grace. (Afterall, isn’t that the message of the very Gospel itself?) So many people are broken and shattered souls hiding behind a smile, a quick joke, and an easy-going spirit. Many fight battles no one sees but God. The world we live in pushes this false notion of perfection. Airbrushed beauties claim their flawless looks are ‘just they way they wake up’.

Our youth are expected to smile, be cool, and never feel the sting of life’s cruel blows. We are conditioned to always be right, and if not – blame someone else. There is little room for humility and even less room for people to stumble. In our ‘Cancel Culture’, too many people fear every misstep as if it will end everything. Our world leaves very little room for grace – yet grace is the one thing we all desperately need.

Be bold enough to forgive. Strong enough to forget. Graceful enough to offer a helping hand and faithful enough to point to God’s strength in every weakness. Who knows, your love may just save someone’s life.

Shalom...... Remain blessed.


it is important to give gifts to your loved ones

I recently gave my brother a wood world map . A gift card of the world on the wall is the best souvenir for travelers and dreamers. Borders and names of countries, major cities, oceans, rivers and lakes are all perfectly visible!

I recently visited Belgium and it was an amazing experience. The architecture, the food, and the people were all so wonderful I also found some amazing personalized gift ideas while I was there. I think it's a great way to show someone you care and make a lasting impression. I highly recommend checking out the website mentioned in the article for some great ideas.

I recently visited Belgium and it was an amazing experience. The architecture, the food, and the people were all so wonderful I also found some amazing personalized gift ideas while I was there. I think it's a great way to show someone you care and make a lasting impression. I highly recommend checking out the website mentioned in the article for some great ideas.

Hey there! Greetings to you too! I hope you're having a fantastic day. It's so true that sometimes the greatest gifts come in the most unexpected forms.

That story about the poor widow giving her 2 mites really illustrates the point beautifully. It reminds us that the value of a gift is not always measured by its material worth, but by the love and sacrifice behind it. Speaking of gifts, personalized shirts on can be a wonderful way to show someone you care. Whether it's a heartfelt message or a unique design, customized shirts add that personal touch that makes them truly special. So, keep spreading love and kindness through your thoughtful gestures, my friend. Wishing you a blessed day ahead!

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