The Donkey's Challenge: A Lesson in Smart Work

Fable story

Once upon a time, in the garden of Eden, there lived a donkey who always boasted about his strength and how smart he was, to anyone who care to listen to him. But no one believed him because “the fox” was already known as the most smartest animal alive in the garden.

The donkey, know that the only way to prove he’s the smartest animal is to beat the fox in a contest. He summoned all the animals and challenged the fox to a race.

“Let’s have a race from here to the mango tree across the river. Whoever wins is the smartest animal in the garden!”

The fox smiled… he was expecting something more challenging. But he agreed. He was curious to see what the donkey had up his sleeves.

The donkey was excited when his challenge was accepted. He knew the fox hates to get wet and he plans to use that as an advantage to swim across the river to win the race….

“My brilliant plan will definitely work out”, he smiled to himself.

The race kicked off… the donkey ran straight to the river as if his life depended on it and without hesitation jumped into the water to swim to the other end of the river, to get to the mango tree. While on the other hand, the clever fox ran at his own pace towards the river bank.

The fox got to there, paused for a while, scanned through the river and then noticed a wooden bridge few distance away from him. He walked across it without getting so much as his feet wet and went straight to the mango tree to wait for the donkey who was gasping for breath struggling to cross the river.

The donkey finally got across, soaked with water, only to see the fox feeling sleeping because he was getting tired of waiting.

”How is it possible, you arrived here so fast” the donkey asked shockingly!

The fox smiled and said to him, ”I used the wooden bridge nearby. While should I swim, when there is an easy way out?”

Donkey looking so depressed and sad…. “ I thought swimming was the smartest thing to do”

The fox in his calm nature, smiled and told the donkey “sometimes, is not about working hard all the time, is about working smart and looking for the easiest way out to get to your destination”

The donkey, although disappointed, listened to the advice of the fox and admitted defeat. That was the beginning of a new friendship between the fox and the donkey


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Hola @sbamsoneu

Fantástico, tu fábula me remontó a mi niñez, me fascinaba escuchar cuentos de mis padres.
Los de animales son un clásico para proyectarnos y ver nuestros comportamientos humanos sin molestarnos, y aceptar las normas y moral de los adultos, tras las moralejas del final.

Con el tiempo empecé a preferir las fábulas y cuentos sin moralejas, esas de finales abiertos.

Acá en Venezuela tenemos muchos de esos cuentos y fábulas infantiles, los más famosos son un conejo y un tigre, a quienes llamamos: " Tío Tigre y Tío Conejo" que tienen sus propias estampillas de correo.

Y videos

💯⚜2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ This is a manual curation from the @tipu Curation Project

@tipu curate

Here in Venezuela, we have many of those children's stories and fables, the most famous being about a rabbit and a tiger, whom we call: "Uncle Tiger and Uncle Rabbit

For us over here, tortoise and lion is one of our most famous animal characters.

i will say gen Z didn’t enjoy story telling like my own generations in Nigeria. I doubt if they know any popular fables. They’re just occupied with phones and gadgets..

I know a few donkeys like that. And foxes. And somehow they don't end up being friends in real life...


Foxes are intelligent dogs and can be kept by people aa such although teaching them not to pee inside takes time (better have a garden) so it's not impossible.

This is too risky… keeping a wild animal at home!! Those animals can’t be trusted..

ThankGod for fable stories, such things is possible…😊😊

 2 days ago (edited)

Dear Free Writer,

Let's continue our #wewrite journey. Keep in mind this is a learning experience for all of us and feedback is important. Have fun and don't forget to read your comments, they can be very useful. Below you find the review of your publication which is part of We-Write-Lesson 4.

What went well - 1 point1
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Title - 2 point1
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A flashy start - 2 points2
Creativity / out-of-the-box thinking - 3 points3
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Following the rules - 1 point1
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Total max 11 points10
Verification date:October 4, 2024

Bonus reason: World Animal Day? Nope, I love the fox says

I thought this fable was the reason why the donkey changed into a stubborn animal.


I thought this fable was the reason why the donkey changed into a stubborn animal


I kept that for you to write… I know you will do it beautifully


I thought so 🤣

Hola amigo @sbamsoneu... Es una historia con una perspectiva interesante...

Al zorro se le conoce por su astucia y al burro como un animal de carga, ha de allí cuando se le califican a una persona de burro, es decir que no sirve para otra cosa sino para llevar cargas... Por lo mismo supiste representar muy bien tus personajes...

Me gusta que el zorro le haya compartido su estrategia, aunque me siento un poquito mal por el burrito, ojalas no sea menospreciado por no pensar inteligentemente...

¿Te identificas con esta historia? ¿Por qué?


@wakeupkitty @inspiracion @yancar

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Fecha de verificación:4 de octubre de 2024

Número de palabras 50+: Sí
Escrito por humanos: Sí


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