
in Tales & stories4 years ago (edited)

Determined that whoever she married would love her for who she was, regardless of what she looked like, Amethyst refused to let her suitors see her face. Throughout our courtship she went out of her way to make sure I had no idea what lay behind the impenetrable layers of scarves, balaclavas and dark glasses that she always wore. I was captivated by her lively conversation, though, and before long I knew for sure that she was the girl for me. I was over the moon when she agreed to be my wife, and as she walked down the aisle I had no idea what I was going to see when she lifted her veil. I had a strong feeling she would be either heart-stoppingly beautiful or stomach-churningly gruesome, but I knew I would love her just the same either way. When the moment came, and I saw her face for the first time, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

She was reasonably pretty. Not plain, but certainly nothing special. I couldn’t quite work out why she had gone to all that trouble.


📚Authur: Dan Rhodes


 4 years ago 

That sounds to true love to me...love for the personality not the looks. 👍

Yeah. Thanks for the resteem😊

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