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RE: Comrade, What is your biggest Fantasy?

in Tales & stories5 months ago

Reading you somehow makes me want to write something I did years ago. It is about fantasy but a real one when I was with it (him). I will try my best...I will tag you when I finish

have a good day my friend, I am with a cup of coffee because my queen is away for 15 days visiting our families. Now it is her turn to enjoy time while the hommy mommy things should be left to me


 5 months ago 

You are capabble of taking care of yourself and the hommy daddy tjings!

I nearly finished the 3rd part of the Enigma are part of it. I would say: check it out, write and knock yoursel out.

I hope the dear Queen has a great time and enjoys and relaxes. It's her turn to be pampered.


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