In the heart of Zanberi.

in Steemit Philippines2 years ago


In the local land of Zanberi, lived Azindoo. A young hand working man. A man with a golden heart. A man everyone in the village loved. Azindoo was a farmer who didn’t feed his family alone but also made sure to give to the poor little he had. He grew up as an orphan which makes his love for orphans very great. He isn’t married yet but searching for a well-pleasing life.

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Zanberi was a town known for its farmers. It had good soil that many benefited from. People migrated from all works of life to come and make a living in Zanberi. They loved people so they welcomed everyone into the town who needed land to farm.

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In Zanberi was a lady called Asibi. Asibi was a woman of all standards. Not just a lady, but hardworking and respectful. it was every man’s dream to make Asibi his wife. But Asibi also had who was in mind. No one ever got to know who she loved but she hoped one day that dream comes to pass.

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Azindoo was a shy guy who had feelings as a man. He passes by Asibi’s house to go to the farm. He had always admired Asibi since his childhood days but never dared to start a conversation. Azindoo will always see Asibi on his way to the farm every morning. that way, he gets joy to do ore farming.

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One day, Asibi on her way to the farm met a young man. A man he has never seen like any other. A man whose handsomeness could not be measured. That was how great this guy was. Asibi hesitated when she saw him that was what gave this man the courage to say Hi. Asibi had a great conversation with this guy. that was when she got to know he was from the next village and will be doing farming here for some time. He was called Tanko.

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Asibi and Tanko always had a great time when speaking. Their conversations were always great. They laughed and did many things together. Azindoo never had the chance to hear not to talk of meeting Tanko.

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Time passed and one-day Azindoo was on his way to the farm. His passing and God being so good he had a problem with his bicycle. He had to repair it. He left all his tools at home. He couldn’t go back too because he was late than usual. That was when Tanko showed up. He helped Azindoo and he was very pleased. That was when a great bond of friendship was born.

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Azindoo and Tanko became friends that the whole town knew about. Asibi got to hear of their friendship. But Tanko never got the chance to see that Tanko was crushing on his childhood crush. One day during their talks, Tanko revealed, “There is this lady in this town that I love. I can give my life for her. No matter the mountain I will climb to get what she desires, I will do that. I hope I will tell her how I feel soon.” Azindoo smiled and became quiet. Tanko was worried and asked, “What’s wrong my good friend?” Azindoo said, “There has been this lady in my life since my childhood. I have loved her since but have never shown her how I do. Till now she doesn’t know how I feel. She doesn’t even know If I exist. I just wish I one day get the courage to let her know how I feel.” Tanko said to his dear friend, “In the field of love, there isn’t a failure. Dive in. You might be surprised you will be able to swim.” That was how their conversation went.
The two friends were talking about their feelings. What they knew not was they were all crushing on one individual. Who wins this girl? How will they handle this issue when they get to find out they are all dreaming of Asibi?

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One morning, Azindoo was up with the courage to confront Asibi about how he felt towards her. He went to Asabi’s house that morning. Asibi was very surprised because it was unusual. Azindoo said his head down, “Asibi, I’m here to see you. I have a dream that I wished not to come out of. It’s not because I like sleeping but because the face, I see in that dream is you. The only meaning in my life is you being mine. I have always dreamt of a family with you since I was a kid. You in my thought is my superpower for hard work. I love you Asibi. I hope I swim with this my dive into love.” Asibi was speechless. Her face showed how concerned and happy she was to hear this but she didn’t want to be quick to reply. Then she said, “These are wonderful coming from you. I would be glad if time is given to have a thought or two about it.” “Fair enough,” Azindoo said while he left for the farm.

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Azindoo was happy as he moved to the farm. He did great work on the farm because he did something unusual. As he was from the farm, he passed by his humble friend’s house. He told him what he did. Tanko asked, “That’s great. But who is this girl you can’t stop thinking about?” “Asibi, The Queen of elegancy.” Tanko became quiet. Azindoo noticed and asked what was wrong. He said nothing but knew what was under. He said he was happy for him which deep down he was but wasn’t for himself in another sense.

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Asibi had who she loved. A week later what Azindoo said to her, she went to Azindoo’s house to give him her response. When she arrived, Azindoo was shivering and didn’t even know where to place himself. He gave her a chair and the conversation started. “A dream will be a dream. But we just have to pray for it to come true. A great man as a husband is a privilege not all women have. I would be glad I will have one. I love you since childhood. I only hoped the day you will come will be closer. But you surely did that day.” Asibi said. Azindoo was happy. He was just smiling. He had his dream come true. He was so pleased that he rushed to tell his good friend Tanko.

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Tanko was at home when Azindoo rushed in. Azindoo shares the good news. They were both happy. But Tanko thought it wise to let his friend know. “Do you remember the girl I talked about? That’s Asibi. I loved her so much. But the day you told me about how you followed her from childhood. I said we have love and we have to love. Let the purer one goes for her. She deserves the best and you are the best.” Tanko said. Azindoo said being humbled and pleased, “You have shown me, love. I'm grateful for having you. You will be with me on our wedding day. hoping for us to be happy together till eternity.”

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Asibi and Azindoo got married. The town was pleased because the orphan at long last was married. Nit only to any woman but to a woman of pride and honor. Tanko found love on their wedding day. That was how great their friendship grew.

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Tanko settled in Zanberi. Azindoo and Asibi acquired greatness in the land. Tanko later got married. This made the town great. The two best friends became rich and they manage the town to greatness.

The end.

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 2 years ago 

What a great love story. A lesson of true love and friendship.

Thanks for passing by😊

 2 years ago (edited)

Please submit a Verification Post, so we can verify you and include your entry to our contest and will receive support from the community.

Thank you
Will do

 2 years ago 

When an orphan gets married, it is something to celebrate indeed..thanks for sharing!

I’m honored with this comment.

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