in Steemit Philippineslast year

Hello highly esteemed Steemians across the globe. I'm back again to share with you an event that took place between myself and these beautiful, amazing, smart, eloquent, and very intelligent kids in my neighborhood. Yes! I may not get the right adjectives in describing these kids, but all I'm saying is they are just so Wonderful.

This is me. I look happy, nice, and neat right? Hugh! But deep on the inside, I am very sad. I'm full of pains, sorrows, anger, and shame. My heart is full of anxieties and I'm really terrified. I am an On Air Personality, a music journalist with a government owned radio station in my state (Kaduna State Nigeria West Africa).

I feel this moment of Joy drought and total absence deep on the inside of me. I feel this moment of complete sadness knowing fully that this week could be my very last at work. I have no donors and no sponsors for my show on radio which is aired once a week Sundays afternoon (at 2pm ) West Central African time. I also don't have any form of endorsement with any brand or company and I need $250 (U.D.S) to keep the Show running for the next 6 months. Baring all these in mind, tell me why I won't feel that bad..

Now, this very little girl you see is Quincy. She's 5 years old and presently in Primary 1. Those 2 Boys you see standing behind in White and black, are her elderly brothers (Wisdom, and Success).
These little kids are indeed my very good friends in the neighborhood. We play, eat, sleep, and sometimes fight together Hahahaha. They are very loving, caring, understanding, obedient, respectful, and really fun to be with. I really enjoy their company. No dulling moment with these kids.


Anytime I'm coming back from work, I always buy them some gifts (Biscuits, Chocolates, and sometimes Toys) when I have the means, and they love me so much for that I can tell. Today is not much different. Somehow, I squeezed to go to the media house for some recordings very broke and short of Funds. I exhausted the little I had and was left with just $0.5 (U.S.D) in my local currency. The two persons in me began a conversation. One said, "Since I'm Left with almost nothing, no need to buy anything for the little kids today". On the contrary, the other said " No... Go ahead and sacrifice it. Use it and buy the usual gifts for your little friends ". It took me sometime, then I decided to listen to the later voice and used it all and bought Chocolates for Quincy and her brothers.

The Moment I alighted from the Taxi, Quincy was playing along her brothers, and when they saw me from afar they rushed to welcome me (Oyoyo! In my local dialect). Feeling so demoralized and very sad, I wasn't free that they noticed. Getting to my apartment, I brought out the Chocolate and shared to them. They happily collected at first but my mood became a great concern to them that they asked what could be the problem. They said I looked tensed and unhappy, that I should go the the Doctor if I'm sick. But I said I'm fine. To even prove it to them, I played a music on my Deck and I danced for them. But those kids are very smart and observant, they insisted on not taking the Chocolate anymore if I don't tell them what's troubling me. At this point they were winning, so I reluctantly began to speak....

I told them that I might stop working in the media house. After this week I can't afford to work in the media house again. They asked why?. I further explained that I really don't have funders or sponsors for the show on radio and I also don't have any endorsement with any brand or company, so I don't have the funds. They asked how much do I need to run the show?. I said I only need $250 (U.S.D Equivalent in our local currency) to run the show for the next 6 months.

They quietly ran home without saying the normal goodbyes to me. After 2 minutes they came back each holding a small box. I was surprised and I asked, what are these boxes for?. They answered, this is our save boxes. They said Mommy got our last Christmas shoes in these boxes, we love the boxes, and we decided to keep them and make them our save boxes. They all opened the boxes before me. Quincy brought out $0.5, Wisdom brought out $0.7, and Success brought out $0.9. They said to me with passion, Uncle this is what we received as gifts last Christmas (we call it happy Christmas) and we want to get some toys for ourselves. But we really love your show on radio and we don't want the show to stop Uncle. Therefore, take all this money from us all, we are your funders and sponsors now...... I looked at these little kids and could not even say anything. My word bank was bankrupted... Tears ran down my cheeks.....

If You're moved by what Quincy and her brothers did to help keep my show running on radio, help me in the very little way you can please.... Upvote, Resteem, and even donate if you can.....
Your little support will go along way.....

Thank You....

*Don not in anyway underestimate the mind of a Child. The Child may have the solutions to your problems, and answers to your questions...

 last year (edited)

Hi there! I can see that you badly need help for those kids financially. I would suggest that you approach your local officials for this purpose because they're the best people to turn to. We don't create instant millionaires here and am pretty sure that you're aware of that. Be consistent in your blogging here and who knows you will gain more from your earnings. Further, I suggest that you tap the Department of Social Works in your community. They will be a big help to your financial problem. Good luck!

 last year 

Thank you very much

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