The diary Game || 08-11-2022 || 20% beneficiaries for steemitphcurator || Club5050 || Diary by @mmratulahmed.

in Steemit Philippines2 years ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Assalamu Alaikum
I am @mmratulahmed from Bangladesh

Today is tuesday,

Hope everybody is fine, I'm fine too. Today I am participating in the diary game organized by @steemit-philippines.

•´¯•» 🗒️𝑀𝓎 𝒟𝒾𝒶𝓇𝓎🗒️»•¯´•

This morning was very good because today is November 8. Because November 8 is Public Engineering Day. It is a special day for Diploma Engineers of Bangladesh. And I am diploma engineer so it became a special day for me. Today is also IDEB's 52nd founding anniversary. It is an organization of diploma engineers.
Here are the advantages and disadvantages of all types of diploma engineers and all kinds of issues. That's why that day is a very happy day for us.

I woke up in the morning like every day and got ready today. I will go to IDEB building today to enjoy this day. Where this event will be completed.

After getting ready in the morning and having breakfast, I left for IDEB building.

The place is quite far from my house. It took me a long time to come.

I saw genji being distributed here and cap being distributed along with the ceremony people. Which everyone present will read and participate in the event. I quickly went and collected hats and genji.


Met an older brother while collecting genji and hats. It will take some time for the ceremony to start, so we sat in the waiting room. My elder brother and I sat in the waiting room for a while and chatted and passed the time.



After talking for some time, we sat in the hall just before the program started.


Went to the hall room and sat in the seat as per our choice and all the seats around were empty then. Shortly after we sat down, the hall filled with people.


We are first come first serve that we get the seat according to our choice.

In no time our main event started.


As soon as our chief guest arrived, the cameramen and TV reports all went crazy to take pictures and footage of him.


Afternoon & Evening

The speech went on for some time. As the speech continued, it was late afternoon.

It was afternoon but we still could not have lunch. After the speech, we reached the dining area for lunch.


After sitting at the dining table, they started serving the food.


The food was very tasty and I was very hungry so we ate quickly.

After eating and drinking we sat for a while and took rest and by then it was evening.

After taking some rest, I left for home.


My body is aching because I have been moving around a lot all day. After coming home, I went to sleep.

So far today I'm finishing my diary game here. All will be well, stay healthy and pray for me.

Screenshot 2022-02-21 105833.png



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