Chapters of Love || Chapter 2: Communication || @kharlynn

in Steemit Philippineslast year (edited)

Do you do the talking or do you just listen?

Have you ever been in love?

If yes, then you probably already know that there is going to be a lot of talking that will happen. Maybe a lot of nonsense topics or maybe personal topics that would help connect both partners to each other. Emotionally, mentally, and spiritually you will be as one. Her problem will be his, while his problem will be hers.

Communication is key when it comes to a relationship. It goes both ways; it shouldn't be a one-way trip. At some point, you will be the listener. And at some point, you will be the one bursting your heart out. You can't always be the speaker and you can't always be the listener. It shouldn't be like that. Give each other a chance.

Not communicating to each other is planting negativity into your relationship. That negativity will turn into a bubble that is just waiting to be popped. Maybe because of an argument, or maybe because of a misunderstanding. Either way, that negativity will turn a little problem into a cause of a breakup. Why you ask? Well, that "small" plant will stack up and sooner or later that plant will grow. It won't grow beautifully; it won't age like fine wine. It will turn resentment. That will turn into doubt. Then soon, will turn into hate. Will you really allow that "small" problem be the cause?

To me, everyone has their own time. They process information at their own pace. Yes, it is okay to take time to process your problems. But it is not okay to not talk about them. Give them space to think. But make them understand that you cannot turn your back on problems. In due time, you must talk these problems. As it is only a hurdle. These problems help you grow, together. Think of it like this, if you will get through that problem without breaking up. The odds are those problems are never coming back. It's like a one and done deal. With an additional strength and foundation to your relationship. Nothing of that sort will ever break you and your partner forever.

Have understanding to one another. You have to put yourself in her shoes, as she has to also put herself into yours. Love goes both ways. Listen and understand, talk and don't be scared. Be confident that your partner will sympathize with you. Be confident that this is only a hurdle and not a wall you and your partner can't climb. Love each other as you love yourself. Treasure the bond that you have.

As corny as it sounds, communication is key to a long and lasting relationship. Yes there will be problems, and yes there will be tears. But don't everything do? You work hard for the things you desire. Do you desire her/him? Because it always comes down to one question and one question only. How much do you love your significant other? Are you willing to swallow your pride to fix your relationship?
Isn't that something to think about.

James 1:19
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,


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