"Steemit Philippines Photography Contest Week #6 - " I LONGED FOR A MOTHER'S LOVE"

in Steemit Philippines3 years ago

" MAMA", MOM, "MA", "MOMMY" "NANAY","NAY" these are the endearments we call to the only light in our house, but can you imagine life without even uttering these words? Whenever you try saying it it's awkward? Well, I have always been wondering how my life would be if I was able to say these word.


Writing this actually breaks my heart still and as much as possible I always try to avoid topics about my mother but this chance gives me the opportunity to express my deprived longingness. It all started way back in 2000 when my family was happily living in Quezon city with my mother, father and younger brothers and since I am the eldest child so I needed to attend kindergarten school back then everything was normal and we usually went churches before.

Until one day, I remeber when my mother asked me to do the laundry and she was just sitting in front of me and she was crying, she then told me to look after my younger brothers if she's gone, because of my young age I didn't mind it. The next day my father left us 3 siblings at home it is still fresh in me when I climbed up on the kitchen sink to feed the youngest child in the house with all those food my father prepared that morning. Late that night they came home, this is the memory that I will never ever forget, it is the last moment when we spent the night together as a whole family. The night when my mother bathe us siblings and kisssed our foreheads good night

The next morning, my brothers and I were left in our closest neighboor, and we had stayed their for a month until my father decided to go back to our hometown in Siquijor. I was left in Quezon City to complete my kinder garten and my family went to the country to look for "albularyo", it was saddening because for a month of hospitalization in Manila, there was no findings as well as in Chung Hua hospital. Being part of a Filipino culture is " albularyo" so this was probably the last option of my father back then so they hoped for a better.

As days went by, my mother's physical being was collapsing everyday, she didn't eat ,she didn't stop talking about us , per my father. April of the same year I completed my kindergarten years with high honors so when I came to see her, I was very excited to brag those awards i recieved at school. I remember she then hugged me with her very scrawny body, I was shaking she then said" look after your younger siblings and she sung "IF WE HOLD ON TOGETHER by Diana Ross, that is why whenever I hear this song I turned it off immediately and then ........she closed her eyes and never opened it again.

I lost my mother at very young age, I am always wondering what is Mother's day , so my friends, if you still have your mother, spend time with her. Listen to her hugged her and tell her how much she means to you. Do not wait until you see her last leaf fall because I wish I could do all the things I mentioned.



 3 years ago 

Judge: @juichi

Criteria for judgingRate 0-10
1. Relevance to the theme.9.5
2. Creativity.9.2
3. Technique.9.2
4. Overall impact.9.4
5. Story quality.9.5
Total Rating9.36
 3 years ago 

Old photographs can also bring tears to our eyes.
Overall rating: 9.5

 3 years ago 

thank you maam I agree

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