Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W2 - Write a letter to your five-year-old self, telling him/her what you have learned so far by @majerius

in India Speaks2 years ago (edited)


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Hello beloved members of Steem India Community it's such a pleasure to write to you all and to participate on this beautiful engagement contest on my 5 year old self. I admonish you all to please look into my post and give in your impressions as i write this letter to my little self called MJ

Dear little MJ

Hope you're doing fine lil man, I'm sure you're surprised I'm writing you a letter knowing how quiet and reserved i always am. Well I write this letter to you today because of the necessity which is laid upon me to communicate to you very important information partaining to your life and destiny. Just as the bible says in Proverbs 4:20, My boy, incline your ears to these words and let it not depart from your heart!

Life as a whole is a beautiful place to be now, but remember always that you're in a battlefield where everyone is a suspect in the fulfilment of your destiny. Mom and dad love you very much, always listen to their advice. It's true Dad seems a little too strict at you most times because he believes you're his only hope. But always remember not to compromise your dreams to please him. Your destiny lies in your hands.

An old picture of 5year old MJ while he was graduating to Primary school

You know how mom is, she worries at times a lot about you. Always try to relieve her stress from all the works she does to make sure you are happy. I know you think I'm asking for a lot for your age! But know it now that the responsibility upon your shoulders are too heavy.

Your Dreams and Passion

I know you're passionate about many things and among those is football. Remember how our country is designed, to be into football is a whole lot of process. Though it might be hard even for parents to accept your dream, don't give up on it. Getting older, dad will surely beat the hell out of you if you continue that path. But don't relent to it, obey him but train harder in secret to make yourself better daily. Don't give up on that dream. You are a great player and dad knows but he's just scared of the system of the country.

He doesn't want you to soil your hands all in the name of Fame and glory. He is trying to protect you from the claws of the world and from injuries. Nonetheless always remember there's no glory without a story. Stand firm on what you believe and God will help you accomplish those dreams.

Your Purpose and Calling

I know they are big words for you for now, but with time you will understand that there is what God alcalled you to do. And just as Jeremiah, He has ordained you to be a prophet and a witness unto Him. Your purpose in life is to witness Christ and Him alone through anything you're called to do.

Avoid anything that will entangle you with the world and tuart your destiny. Always seek the face of God whenever you want to start something new, get into a career or start a new business. Always remember that there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end is destruction. Unless the Lord directs your path, you'll just be like a striker who is always offside. No strike you strike will be a goal.

Your Association

Mr. Man, there is a saying which says "show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are". I assure you, on the road to life, you will meet different kinds of people from different kinds of backgrounds and different philosophies of life. Make sure you choose your friends wisely by the help of the Holy Spirit. Any friendship which makes you go against the will of God is not of God!

The friends i have close to me. Friends from my first year in university 2015 till date

Make sure you make friends who increase value to your life as you increase value to theirs. Avoid every form of backbiting and complecency in friendships. Keep a close circle of friends, i say this coz i know how you make friends with anyone. Your best friend should be the Holy Spirit make Him your closest friend.

As you grow to puberty you will have several temptations and lusts and only your friends will be able to help you overcome at a certain point. Don't hide your issues from your best friend, he will always help you overcome them.


Your relationship with God should be the first thing you fear losing in life. He should be the author and finisher of all your decisions. Always talk to Him about everything and anything. Remember you're created a man of prayer and each time you find yourself happy, thank Him even when you are persecuted still turn to Him. He loves you so much and will always guide you in all that you do in His name.

Take His word as a standard for your life and dint mind how long people laugh at you for being a church boy. Remember how you missed death while you were 4 in a car accident? He was the one who kept you alive. And He is still ready to take you out of that wilderness no matter what.

Your Emotions

You'll grow to notice dynamic changes in your emotional patterns and i assure you that you will love to be loved and cherished. But let that not be a stumbling block to your growth! You will always be loved by your parents, take care of your feelings dearly and control your emotions each time you crush on a lady. Let her love you for who you are. Never try to impress her with words or gifts or money, but be genuine from your heart and you'll find the right lady for you to marry.

In Conclusion

My man, learn how to be focussed in everything you do. Learn to be punctual as a full stop each time you start a project. Life will push you down so many times, but never give up and keep standing.

Many errors will you commit but let them not pull you down, for it is in them that you learn and you grow to be a man. I know how you love perfection and it will surely happen only when you fail for sometimes. No matter what the matter is, keep believing and trusting the Almighty monarch of Zion to see you through all the huddles of life.

Giving up is never an option MJ, always look into the positive side of everything. If you have seen others do it, then you can do it and even better. Remember you're not in a competition with anybody but with yourself, because you can only be better than yourself. Hold the word of God strong and keep going for through Christ who strengthens you, you CAN do all things. Never limit yourself.

You're destined for greatness and greatness you shall accomplish only if you subdue the flesh and leave pride and arrogance aside and carry on with humility and unconditional love.

Stay safe and keep pushing my favourite little man. I love you❤️

Yours Sincerely, Majerius
i invite the following to write a letter to their younger selves: @chiabertrand, @ebuahsang1, @tangwe-rene, @shieks, @shance-light, @monjuapollonia, @burivennjah and @wirngo

Firstly, you looked very cute while you had 5 years old. So cute and innocent there. Your letter is beautiful, with all these god-fearing advises, the little you won't fall into trouble while growing up. That's an amazing point already. Never give up dear MJ

Yeah i was and still am a very cute person right!😅 Thank you so much for your comment miss

Oh my God, @majerius, your letter is amazing. I wish my 5 year old me could read this too🥺 may Allah help me to follow him without being distracted by the issues of life.

The little you would surely not go astray after reading this post. This letter is a spiritual guide for the young ones. Thank you sir.

Thank you so much for your comment. It is encouraging that all what I wrote touches certain people. God bless you

Your words are wise words sir! The younger version of you will surely accomplish all his calling and ministry after reading such instructive letter. As usual, your markdowns make me fall in love with writing. Look at how neat and organized it is. Thank you for sharing this, i am learning how not to give up too.

Hello @blessinglepahwah, your comment really encourages me to write more often and advise more. Thank you for passing by

Your photo art attracted me once more to read through your post. I assume as a little man, MJ will be glad to have an older version of him who can advise so well.
I think man is independent of his choices but when he chooses the way of the Almighty, he is blessed, for the way of the lord is the way of wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing and kudos for more write ups

Thank you, @atechi it's an honour to make my little creativity known to the whole steemit world. Thank you

I'm always aware of all the bad habits youths and children contact because they're surrounded by the wrong people. Bad friends corrupt good manners they say. I believe that saying to be true at all times, because a bad friend will never give you good counsel as sound as this one. That's why you're my friend both on steemit and off steemit. You give me great advise which most of the time has taken me out of much mess. Thank you for you post sir, it is very edifying to read through. Your 5 year old self will be blessed reading that.

Thank you so much @nafsa. Your comment touches me heartily. I think I'm falling already....🤣

Just about everything i would love to tell my 5year old self. Wow! Very powerful letter

We bless God

Wow your letter to your five years old is so amazing .I have learned a lot on this .God should always be first in anything you do before any other person .backbiting is a very bad that most matured and reasonable person are in to it now.They always try to paint others to look bad after they pretend like hypocrate.It always good to avoid such people that love to interfere on people’s things without been invited . Thanks for the invites

Thank you so much. Indeed we need always to put God first in everything. The rate at which people backbite these days eh. My head di just kick. I'm patiently waiting for your entry😍
I trust you're writing skills


Cute little 5yrs Mj.
You brilliant since then, in our country where you have to go the other way but its neccessary to put God first thanks for the invite

🤗❤️ thank youuuu

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