“Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W4 - Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep by @educator23”

in India Speaks2 years ago
Hello Guys.

This is Prabhjot Singh from INDIA.
How are you all? I hope everyone is fine and doing well.
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As Human Beings, we share a plethora of emotions, gestures, mindsets, traits, etc. We are fond of some of our traits but some we don't like. Today I'm going to share with you the things in me that I'll never change and the things in me, I want to change in myself right away.

Three Things I will Change about Myself

  • Always in my Head
This is my biggest problem, and I've faced a lot of procrastination because of being lost. I like to do creativity and I always thrive on it. So, I'm usually in my head all day and it only stops thinking when I fall asleep. Who Knows what it may think when it's unconscious or in a subconscious state of mind? However, this is my plus point also but the extremity of anything is bad and in my case, it is worse. I'm an Over thinker and I've been struggling to get rid of it. I tried different psychological methods like keeping up with other works, meditation, playing with friends, and reading books but the time I get nothing to do, My mind will start to swing in the ocean of my thoughts, where the boat of reality sinks and I'm feeling like I'm floating whilst I'm actually drowning.
So, My Over-Thinking is the first thing I would like to change in myself.

  • Lack of Confidence in speaking
The second thing, I would like to change in myself is the lack of confidence I have while Speaking. Being an Introvert, I always struggled to talk with people. Especially, when it comes to the profession; good communication skills are a must. I have failed several times because of having low confidence while speaking. Even sitting in my friend's circle, I was asked to speak about something. sometimes, one of my friends stopped others from talking so that they can listen to me. I want to change this thing in me and I want to be a good speaker to whom everyone listens.

  • Complexity in my Character
I sometimes get stuck in the yin yang situation. I don't know whether to get for it or stay away from it. I want to change this thing in my life. I was good at physics in school but I use to read books on Biology. I want to go out but I will always say no to my friends. I guess this complexion is the thread of life and the day I get unwound, I will become Limitless. I want to change this complexity in my life, which is limiting me from achieving success.

Three Things I will Keep about Myself

  • 1. Discipline & Punctuality- I'm very proud of this Characteristical trait in myself for which I'm known for. My friends, teachers, family, and colleagues will define me with this one word "Discipline" if asked. I was good at studies and become a monitor of the class in school and in college, it goes the same. I'm very obedient and I do my work on time with full determination. At my workplace and my college, everyone applauds me for coming on time, eating on time, leaving on time, and completing the work on time.

Discipline is the most important aspect of my life and it implies lifestyle. I don't eat out, no matter what. I have disciplined my mouth not to eat junk (Only gave myself a few cheat days). I've disciplined my body to work hard and make myself physically strong. I do exercise daily (If no exercise then warmups & stretches). I've disciplined my mind to focus on the work. I never leave my work unfinished on the table or leave it for tomorrow. I use a daily mindmap and assign myself tasks for today and cope with them.

  • 2. Keep Calm and Never Give Up Attitude-
    I'm a born spectator and watched several tv series and anime. I learned one thing and that is never to give up. No matter what will happen. Always chin up and steal the lights. I have been very competitive in sports and I play Volleyball. My friends always give me one extra hurdle to cross like providing me with immature players or restricting my moveset for their advantage but I've always shined. I have failed several times in life and this is me today, thriving to position myself as the best version of myself. I kept calm in any hard situation, never become violent, and always won with a smile. And I would Keep this attitude with myself until the very last moment of my life with a burning desire to become a better me.

  • 3. Introspection is my best weapon-
    Well, I have criticized earlier that I'm always in my Head but there is another aspect of it. Introspection gives me the power to understand myself at my best and when you know, you understand yourself, you can shape and mold yourself in any category of awesomeness. We study science, animals, marketing, culture, politics, etc but forgot to learn about ourselves. This is my plus point that I know myself and my limits. I can say no to a salesy business because I know it is not made for me and a yes to something which I can do in better ways. Introspection is something I will always keep in myself and I will continue to learn about myself because as humans we do evolve with Time.

I would like to invite @krishna001 @varsha001 @harmadeep2004 @enamul17 @parineeta @aaru

This was all for the day

Thank you
Keep supporting



The unyielding nature that we do is our main capital in life, because when we give up everything will be lost and this unyielding nature is a trait that must be maintained by anyone.
Good luck for the contest...

 2 years ago 

Thanks for stopping by. Good luck to you too.


La complejidad en tu carácter es algo que deseas cambiar, sientes que no te deja obtener el éxito que desearías. Incluso eres de las personas que desean salir a pasear con los amigos pero cuando llega la oportunidad te niegas. Espero que logres mejorar eso de ti y buscar la paz en tu vida, amigo.

A pesar de todo, me alegra muchisimo que seas una persona que nunca se da por vencida, incluso haz obtenido buenos resultados en voleibol ¡Debe ser genial! Mantener la calma y seguir adelante son las claves del éxito, te felicito.

Saludos y éxitos!

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your kind words.

 2 years ago 

Having self-confidence has many benefits. Someone who lacks confidence will find it difficult to move forward. Feelings of inferiority within you will hinder your success. Everyone, especially career women, need confidence in order to be able to determine the steps in making decisions. Confidence also causes a person to act in a large audience where many people will listen or pay attention to you.

I also made a post about things I want to change, I'm very happy if you want to visit it

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your kind suggestions. Have a nice day. I will surely check your post.

 2 years ago 

Thank you, I really hear you want to visit my post.


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