Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W2 - Write a letter to your five-year-old self, telling him/her what you have learned so far by @bongk

in India Speaks2 years ago

Created by me on Pixellab

Hello everyone hope you're doing fine it's been a while isn't it, I'm glad to be participating in this challenge again.

A letter to my five year old self

Hello five year old me, if you're reading this it means you're still alive and I'm very proud of you for making it this far, I know you're suffering from a lot now, you're probably on a hospital bed as we speak but know that the pain will soon go away. I write this letter to you to let you know how the future looks like and the lessons I want you to learn from the future, so make sure you pay close attention as you read.

First of all, it is a cold world out there and I want you to trust no one, yes you can fall in Love but you always end up alone so I want you to start getting used to being alone in certain situations because only you got you if you know what I mean. Most of the things I will tell you after this might not have existed so you might not understand them but keep them in mind.

So far you have grown to the age of 24 and I will tell you all what you will learn, it is really amazing how things will change.


I know that you are very intelligent, and very interested in Sciences so let me give you a heads up on what I've learned so that you can be ahead of your mates.
Science have improved and I've learned that here.
Phones are now flatter than they are right now, iPhones are now larger and can store up more space than usual. Iphones now look like these and more are being made which are more smarter, so the lesson I want you to learn here is that do not rush to get the trending devices or smart phones infact don't rush at all in life, just work hard and get what you can get.

iPhones keep upgrading here's an iPhone 6s there's more.

Also there's a disease called Ebola, which will come up around 2014 so be careful, tell your friends to just keep clean so the don't contact it, well they'll be a cure anyways.
And at the age of 11 you'll feel very better and we'll, your health will only get better because science will produce better drugs for your condition so don't worry a lot Ok.

Love life

Your Love life didn't go as I predicted, though you'll fall in Love with a girl in Class 3 her name is called Thelma, but as I said above you end up alone because she lives for another town, that's sad isn't it, along the way you still fell in Love with another girl when you were in class 5 and her name is Ashley, though she still left you.
What I want you learn from these experience is that you have to be strong don't be scared to fall in Love, life is too short to keep your thoughts to yourself.


Ahhh... Your education will be great, you will be successful in school, pass good grades, your Mum will be really proud of you, but by the time you get into secondary school, you will start going down, I guess you will pick up a bad habit and lose focus and start following the pleasures of your youth, that's why I want you to not lose focus ever, you are very intelligent don't throw that away because of a little distractions but not to worry because I'm telling you now.


About your friends, I still don't know if you'd find real friends because I still haven't but you are going to be a good friend to all your friends, you always want to go the extra mile, you will want them to like you so you will do everything for that to happen.
Just know that you don't have to go through all that trouble because the don't deserve it.
You will have mostly female friends because you decided one day to just cut down on your male friends and get more female friends, but this will instead land you in a continuous cycle of heart breaks because you end up falling in Love too quick with these female friends.
Just know and keep this in mind, if you Love someone and the person doesn't love you back, know that they are not for you.

Your closest friends

The picture above shows your closest friends they'll share the same experience as you do, don't get too worked up, it will be okay once you get to know them.
You'll lose a lot of them over the years but you'll pick up, and continue pushing, don't let yourself down you are the best version of yourself.

If you ever feel lonely

If you ever feel lonely, I want you to know that you can talk to your father in heaven and your biological father, and mother.
You can talk to yourself, if you don't find them.

Will you make mistakes?

For mistakes you will make a lot for it, especially when it comes to Love, some of your mistakes will cost you a lot of money and opportunities.


Well my 5 year old me that's all I can say to you, I just want you to be very careful and know that you are greater, you can achieve anything you set your mind to, you don't need to be scared to make a difference, work hard, stay strong and keep your focus.

That's you in the picture don't you look amazing??
You are very handsome,keep that in mind don't let anyone tell you otherwise, you are rich and not poor, you are very extraordinary.
Anyways I'll leave you now, I hope this is enough to prepare you for the future.

Love your future self 😘

I invite @graciella, @rockana and @b-naj

 2 years ago 

I feel like I'm actually reading everything that has happened in your life. Some information you have given us haha. I love it. I'm sure your 5 year old self Will be better and safer after getting that letter

Thanks for reading, I'm glad you read through my life, I really appreciate

 2 years ago 

You are welcome

Chai my brother, you left detailed messages for your younger self. The one that got me laughing was your Love life messages to your five year old self. *Your five year old self might end up becoming a play boy ohh😂🤣.
I enjoyed this entry post so much, and i wish you the best in this contest.

Thanks bro for the wishes, and yes I have to tell my 5 year old self all that I can if not ei go worry ehh ☺️

Hello, very good friend, you were able to tell your self a lot in that letter, you prepared him for the future, the good thing is that he will know that he has a lot to rejoice in the future and that there are medical solutions despite the adversities.

Yes friend I'm really glad to have written that, if he were to read it I'm sure it would help

You have written a beautiful letter to your five years old self, you have written so much what he is to be expecting in his love life, friendship and education. Your advise of him not losing focus is great and like you said mistake is bound to happen but he should move on and never giving up. Thank you for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Science... Love life... Education... Friends!
You have made sure that you educate your 5 year old in a huge variety of life. It put a smile on my face.
Great post!
Good luck for the contest! 🤞

Thanks for stopping by I'm really grateful

 2 years ago 

The pleasure is all mine!

Yes, buddy. Things keep changing every day, so, life keeps changing. We must make sure we adaptive to every situation and environment in life. Welldone

You have time through a lot in life and you have passed across a well-detailed information to your 5 years old self which will be helpful to home when growing up,

Thanks for sharing
A comment on my post will be appreciated

Thanks for stopping by my post well appreciated

You are welcome

 2 years ago (edited)

If you really want to end up being you, then I am of the opinion that your latter to your five year old self should take into consideration the fact that information can change a lot of things.

Informing yourself about an event is likely going to alter the possibility of it happening and if it fails to happen, a lot of events that were connected to it will also be erased and replaced with a totally new set of realities


If your 50 year old self should send you a message telling you such things, what will be your reaction?
If is says the current Ashley will go away, how will you treat her?
If it says we will have to buy oxygen to stay alive, what will you do?

I'll make the most of the time we had, if possible I won't let her go

 2 years ago 

Don't ger disheartened because falling in love frequently I'd not falling in love actually that you can call infatuation. But it was great fun to go through your post.

Thanks a lot


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