Contest: stay free from food poisoning.

in Healthy Steem6 months ago (edited)

Hello Healthy steem community, today I will be participating on the contest titled "Stay free from food poisoning" by @mesola. Dont read and pass, drop your comment, thanks.


What is food poisoning?

From what I know, Food poisoning occurs as a result of consuming food that has harmful germs in them, like viruses or bacteria. These germs make you sick, causing your stomach to ache, it also lead to vomiting and nausea, even diarrhea. It is always advisable to handle cooking items with care when cooking, to avoid getting food poisoning.

What are the symptoms of food poisoning?

They are many symptoms of food poisoning, if you ever express atleast 5 of these as a time, do well to visit your doctor on time

  • Upset Stomach: Food poisoning can cause you to feel sick to your stomach, often with nausea.
  • Vomiting: Someone who has experienced food poisoning will be throwing up more often, as your body tries to get rid of the harmful substances.
  • Diarrhea: This is the process where your feases will become watery and more frequent. It may also lead to constipation.

  • Abdominal Pain: Aside feeling sick in your stomach and throwing up, you will begin to feel aching or cramping in your belly as well, due to food poisoning.


  • Fever: A rise in the body temperature is also a symptom of food poisoning.

  • Headache: You may also start to experience pain or discomfort in your head.

  • Fatigue: At some point you experience extreme tiredness or lack of energy, making you lazy and helpless.

  • Loss of Appetite: Food poisoning also causes lack of appetite, and dehydration as well, leading to dry mouth and more health issues.
What are the prevention of food poisoning?

Good poisoning can be avoided when we:


1. Wash our hands before cooking, clean our utensils, and surfaces regularly.

2. Keep our raw meats separate from other foods to avoid contamination of the other foods.

3.Food our meal thoroughly, especially the meat to get rid of harmful germs that may be living in it.

4. Refrigerate our perishable foods often, because these bacterias multiply at room temperature.

5. Be cautious with raw eggs, meat or seafood, they can carry pathogens and germs, so handle them carefully.

6. Make use of clean and Safe water when cooking or washing your food items.

What are the Treatment for food poisoning?

Food poisoning can also be cure via the following ways.

  • Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, or you can do the oral dehydration solutions.

  • Have plenty of rest, allow your body recover from the poisoning

  • If vomiting persist, wait a while before consuming food or drinking again. Take only, easily digestible foods like rice or bananas, avoid totally dairy, caffeine, and fatty foods until you're recovered.

  • If symptoms continue, seek medical attention immediately for possible medications. Or consult a healthcare professional.


Having gone through my blog, I hope you learnt one or two things from it, I will love to invite @zekanem @akareen and @usoro01 to comment on my post and participate in this comment

 6 months ago 

Beautiful write-up sis, I am going to write on this topic too. I remember when I had food poisoning in school. It was a terrible experience.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 6 months ago 

@ekemini01, can't wait to read your entry

 6 months ago 

Thanks for inviting me, food poison is very common in our society and everybody know that but it all depends how we take care of our health. We must wash our hands with soap after coming out from the toilet so that all harmful bacteria can be easily kills during the process of washing our hands. #steem-on

 6 months ago 

Yes indeed your just gave another valid point
Thanks for the comment


Well said. Good luck with the contest.

 6 months ago 


 6 months ago 

Your write up is very detailed and comprehensive. You tried to explain thoroughly the symptoms of food poisoning.

Going further, you stated adoptable preventive measures and treatment options to take when handling this illness.

This is a beautiful piece you have written @vudeme123, all the best.

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