Steemit Engagement Challenge/s1w2-"protect your health from social media dangers"

in Healthy Steem8 months ago

Hello Everyone

I hope you are all well and good.I'm also very good by the way.Today I'm very thankful to this community for a main topic which directly effect on our health on daily bases.I hope this topic aware many people about 'Social Media'. Social media has two sides.We all talk about only one side of social media dark side or good side.But in real we use both sides on daily bases but we are not aware about exact percentage of both sides.Now when i see this post i realize that how this social media effect on our health badly. When i see these questions that's are very good and now i discuss this one by one in detail. Because in this questions i cover all the domains of this post and fulful aim of this post.



What is “social media” in your life, and how many hours a day do you spend on it?

I use social media in my life but in limited doze.Mostly i use YouTube and what's app in our daily routine that's why sometime i realize that i waste my time.But when i see people that around me who use a lot of apps of social media.Social media app is a those app in which people share their own content and public see this.Many apps which i know this is TikTok,Snacks, YouTube etc.But i use only YouTube in which and use in positive way.
Social media has also good side in which everyone has freedom to share content.I use YouTube to listen lectures from Many Amazing lectures thats from especially India, and other countries.Many Students who not afford fee of expensive academies that's very easily see free lectures on YouTube.


  • Not only Study a lot of things which people learn from YouTube as cooking recipes,any competitive exams pre preparation tips etc.
  • I use daily YouTube and listen lectures of different teachers and makes notes that's give help me in my study.
    But the next thing people take it in wrong way.In modern time, people waste their time in scrolling to streaks and compare their life with celebraties.Nobody know about a man is how many depressed and unhappy in life but if he show very happy life on social media
    Then people compare their happy life with his and depressed due to something that is not important as.


Name five ways social media can have a negative impact on your life and that of your loved ones.

Before some days i read a dawn newspaper article in which one journelist told about the ratio of depression increase because of social media.And its very badly effect on our because i am faced this situation and convert my time to productivity.So i share 5 tips with you that's really helpful.

  • 1 I deleted that apps which i not needed that is Tiktok etc.Because in my daily routine These apps not play important role in my routine.
  • 2 Second step in weakend one day i off my phone and spend time with my family.In this way i leave the addition of social media or phone.In this way i feel that this is act as therapy.
  • 3 After that i put dashboard on my screen and apply timer on those apps which i use a lot and this proved very helpful for me.
  • 4 Now two apps remaining one is youtube and other is what's app.In which i think that my time goes to waste then In YouTube i unsubscribed those channels which not give me benefits and subscribed those apps which helpful me in my study and daily routine.
  • 5 In last,I have adopt a habit or reading books.And every morning i start my day to prayer and after that recite Quran.And before sleep i read book and in day i am busy in my study going university and doing othwr works.So i have not much time to use social media.


If you had to implement 5 rules to make sure that social media became HEALTHIER in your environment, what would they be?

Already i discussed a lot of things about social media.But this is a easy to say but difficult to do.But i always remember that hellen Keller quotes which she said, "The greatest result of education is tolerance".

  • In our studies teachers need to teach correct usage of social media and learn a lot of knowledge from this.


  • Through social media, decrease the gender gap.Because everyone use social media and if our population adopt culture of western by social media.So,why not, they decrease the gender gap.Because our half generation is women and they do not do any thing in economy and they spent their whole life to takecare of house.
  • I see many south Indian movies that work on crime but these films are informative and give lessons to childrens and children act as.


Thank you so much seeing my post.I hope you enjoy it.

  • I have invited some of my friends for this engagement challenge.


 8 months ago 

The use of social media depends on us and how we use it. If we use social media properly then it is very beneficial for us.Through this we can do an hour's work in minutes.But if we misuse social media then it is very dangerous for us.So that's why we should use social media properly.I like your post.


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