SEC-S16 / W6 | "The Science of Aging👩"

in Healthy Steem5 months ago (edited)

♥️What is the medical process behind aging and from which age it actually starts?

♥️Are you afraid of becoming older and if yes then what are the challanges of aging that are making you afraid from getting older?

❤️ Write any three nutritional items that can preventing aging?

❤️ Write any three exercises that can makes you looking young even in older age?

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Hello dear friends I am really glad participating this week engagement contest in your community this is because the contest topic is so wonderful and educative also it could help One build his health or has physical lifestyle in a short period of time.

What is the medical process behind aging and from which age it actually starts?

Old age is a stage of life that cannot be skipped unless through sudden death or premature death, every living thing grow old steadily day by day, as long as you stand and breathe you must go old. Do you know it doesn't only mean growing white beards or white hairs. You could also me increasing from one age to another age, for example if Mr A was 10 years and luckily for him today is his birthday he will automatically becomes 11 year old at this stage we are free and have all right to say that Mr A has grown older.

Although so many people believes that aging means when someone's physically goes weaker than they used to be after causing certain age grade, in most cases people believe once you've crossed the age of 45 it is said that you have begin the aging process. In most cases this set of people grow white hairs instead of black or their normal brown color hairs, also it becomes easier to find wrinkles all over the faces and slacked muscles on the arms and legs.

One thing is sure no matter how it comes and when it comes that a is living thing can possibly ignore or stop their aging process, it's usually happens because of much pressure stress and weakening body. The process of aging is also very important because a distinguishes people or would I say help people to know their elders and their younger ones easily.

In summary I would say that aging is a way of life that proves and show that one is experiencing growth over a period of time, to those that might be thinking is aging good or bad? Due to the fact that aging is a natural attribute I will never classify aging as a bad thing thing. Spiritually I will say that God gave us time to work and the time to rest and I believe aging aged person is in his period of resting.

Are you afraid of becoming older and if yes then what are the challanges of aging that are making you afraid from getting older?

Personally speaking I believe every living being want to grow older and experience an aged life or would I say an old age. And that's why many are scared of aging in fact some are ready to fix anything just to have an extra time on Earth, so therefore I wouldn't totally agree old age is scary because it's everyone prayers point to get old.


29 old me looking like 20 year old guy
On the order hand despite the fact that so many people want to grow old and live longer the challenges and features that comes with old age makes so many people feel like it's not worth it, that is to say at time it feels so tiring to find out that you've gone very much weaker than you used to be in your younger age.

They are very many challenges that comes with experiencing aging for examples when someone is seen as an aged person most cases this people tends to look very weaker act very weaker and think very shallow or confusing because of the decrease in energy and in brain processing capacity.

In most cases the either experience back pains bone pains and even eyes issues, also some develop hearing problems and different type of confusing problems that could affect them for a long time without cure or treatment because of their weak body structure.

Write any three nutritional items that can preventing aging?

Definitely one of the best ways to maintain our health and prevent us from aging so fast is the ability of adding or taking fruit frequently, have so many nutritions that could make one very fresh and soft just as they look when freshly plugged from their source. so therefore everyone is advice to try take more of fruits to prevent a terrible aging experience.

One of my most favorite techniques I use to conquer the act of aging by looking younger than my age, I take a lot of water. Treated and clean water are very important to the body, they are used to hydrate the body and make the body fresh so therefore whenever you are dehydrated your body gets rough and looks older. So it's smart that we all try our best to take more water everyday, according to my doctor I was advised to take at least eight glass of cup of water in a day to keep me fit and healthy.

Taking more of garlic and ginger would be very helpful in helping one prevent old age and look younger in a very short period of time. Garlic and ginger has so many nutrients that could make one feel fresher and look healthier than they used to. Also guys and Ginger are really helpful in we growing some vital organs of our body like the kidney and the livers over a short period of time.

Write any three exercises that can makes you looking young even in older age?

Indeed I must say to you exercise is a very vital ingredient that could really help boost your look even when you grow older, exercising is a very flatter activity that every human being should impute into the daily lifestyle, this is because it's so important to the human body that he should never be on ignored so that the human body would stay fresh and you, even oily.

When it comes to looking fresh and younger different exercise could help you achieve this but the best among the other techniques are cardio related exercise like running, jumping or playing football, I call them cardio related exercise because they focus on the heart most of the benefits of using a cardio exercising technique is that it's improves one heart working capacity and improves blood circulation and normalization.

Cardio exercises are very important especially when it comes to making someone look younger than before when you want you jump or you do any cardio related exercise, fresh blood are pumped at the right pleasure all over the human body.

Another very important type of exercise that you should consider doing at least thrice a week is the commonly known press ups, although press ups of different format and different styles depending on what part of your body you want to grow more muscles on. But in general press up are good in pumping blood all over the body and also exercise almost every part of your body must especially your arms, your chest your stomachs and even your legs at the same time.

So many believe that press ups exercise only for the guys who want to build muscles all over their body that but I must say to you that's a lie because anyone could do press up and still avoid going muscles on some part of their body in a short period of time.

The last but not the least is another very powerful exercise that looks like it's easy to do in fact we do to frequently without even knowing they are good source of energy or good types of exercise that could generate maximum energy. This exercise is known as skipping is the process of swinging a rope like structure above and below your body repeatedly why trying to avoid your leg from hitting the rope by jumping.

This exercise would also do a lot of good on your blood vessels, skin and your energy reserve this is because it's gives one so much strength and at the same time helps pump blood from your heart easily without stress at a very short period of time in fact most people especially boxers love this sort of exercise.

Another important exercise we should try working on is smiling this is the best exercise that we could do to help prevent wrinkles and bad face structures because from research the act of farming too much could change the structure and beauty of one face when this art is done repeatedly for a long period of time.

So therefore in summary we should try to laugh more frequently to ease the veins on our face and make our face look younger over a young period of time


In conclusion I would say that aging is a gift from God to mankind to help grant them more time to enjoy and to serve him better, one reasons why I love most of these types of exercise is because they also make you sweat a lot which in turn would help you open up all your blocked sweat pulse and also eradicate unwanted bacterias on the skin.

"" I am inviting my friends @imohmitch @samuelebuka @impersonal @eveetim. Thank you very much for going to I really appreciate, remember STARRCHIS cares ❤️

 5 months ago 

Hola estimado @starrchris

Desde que se nace cada día, en el cuerpo humano se va desarrollando y va envejeciendo en el tiempo en cada fase natural de la vida, como así lo refiere.

el envejecer con calidad de vida va a depender de los estilos de vida, los ejercicios para acondicionar el cuerpo desde la juventud para crear este buen habito favorecedor y sobre todo el tipo de alimentación, siempre y cuando no salga a la luz algún patrón genético que afecte y comprometa la salud.

y otro de los aspectos muy importantes el manejo del estrés ante los desafíos que le toque enfrentar cada persona, en el entorno que le rodea y la buena actitud y buena disposición adoptada que se tenga, existen personas que llegan a ser muy productivas y pro activas con una gran sabiduría de avanzad edad por todo el caudal y cumulo de conocimientos que tiene guardados en la memoria en la edad avanzada.

Las expectativas de vida en una persona se ha incrementado y superado la edad hasta ahora estimada de los 80 años

Gracias por darnos muy buenas recomendaciones en cuanto a la hidratacion que se debe tener presente cada día, el hacer actividad física pero se debe considerar las implicaciones del impacto que pudiesen generar lesiones graves en la edad avanzada que deben ser recomendado por una persona calificad y profesional.

Saludos Cordiales y muchos éxitos

Thanks friend I really appreciate ☺️🙏

 5 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.



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Thanks friend I really appreciate your hard work

 5 months ago 

Hola amigo @starrchris, es como usted lo define, cada día que transcurre es un día mas que se ha envejecido. La vejez es un proceso natural que todos vivimos y que lo ideal es que sea de la mejor manera posible. Saludos.

Thank you very much friend for commenting, I really appreciate your hard work.

 5 months ago 

Your post is well analyzed, aging is one thing that all living being can't miss except for pre mature death. Like you've rightly stated, most people would do anything to stay younger than they should, no one wants to be old because of the fear of death.

Anyways, you've mentioned ginger and garlic as one of the things that can keep one younger. I'm not aware of this, just knowing for the first time, I will love to know how I'll use it to stay younger. Of course you know women always want to be younger.😀

Enjoy your younger self while it lasts, old age is actually worrisome to me if you ask me.

Thanks for the invite, I'll make my entry soon.

Thanks for appreciating my post I really appreciate your good comment friend 🐱, thanks for sharing.

@starrchris I appreciate your emphasis on the importance of nutrition and exercise in maintaining vitality as we age. Wishing you the best of luck in the contest

Thanks boss I really appreciate your support and help

 5 months ago 

Hello @starrchris hope you are having a good day.Getting older happens to everyone. It's a natural part of life. As we age, our bodies change. Sometimes we get weaker or have health problems. But we can do things to stay healthy and happy as we get older, like eating good food, drinking water, and exercising. These things can help us feel young and strong., really enjoyed reading your blog wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

Thanks friend I really appreciate ☺️🙏

 5 months ago 

Your comprehensive understanding of aging and insightful recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle are truly commendable. It's inspiring to see your proactive approach towards embracing aging gracefully and prioritizing overall well-being. Your practical tips on nutrition and exercise serve as valuable guidance for promoting vitality and youthfulness. Keep spreading positivity and empowering others to lead healthier lives.

Hello bro Thanks friend I really appreciate ☺️🙏

 5 months ago 

Hello I have read your article its amazing and very informative...
I wish u a best of luck in this contest

Hello friend please I am grateful 🥲

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