Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W1 - "Happiness is the highest form of health."steemCreated with Sketch.

in Healthy Steemlast year


What does the word "Happiness" mean to you?

Sure! Then is the revised interpretation of the passage with some word changes Well! The term Joy has multitudinous interpretations, but from my perspective, Joy means the amalgamation of positives, similar as auspicious emotions, formative thoughts, cheerful expressions, and a collection of delight and satisfaction. Joy is essential to the mortal mind and nature. Nevertheless, Joy can be derived from colorful sources, similar as the fulfillment of desires, attaining goals, maintaining good health, and relishing the best moments of life.

The joy is equally the condition of mortal minds that's acquired by its environment. Experiencing joy and being in good health is the true happiness, enabling us to smile with liberty. In fact, happiness grows when shared with others. Essentially, happiness is a abecedarian element of a healthy and gratified life. This is because we smile when we're happy, and when we smile even in times of sorrow, all our suffering vanishes with the happiness.


Do you consider that happiness is the decision of each other?

Yes, I believe that happiness is a particular choice. Sometimes, happiness can arise from internal factors, similar as acquiring something that brings joy to our lives. Other times, it can come from external sources, similar as achieving goals or experiencing special events that put smiles on our faces and fill our lives with happiness. However, attaining happiness isn't a straightforward task for everyone, as each person has their own unique way of living and faces colorful obstacles on their path to happiness.

Nevertheless, collaborative efforts can also contribute to spreading happiness and smiles among people. For instance, when individuals in a specific area decide to live in harmony and make a commitment to support others during grueling times, they can bring happiness to the lives of others and alleviate their suffering. Moreover, fostering healthy relationships between people can have multitudinous positive impacts on overall happiness.


What things make you happy? Give an example of incident that made you happy.

Well! There are so numerous things that bring joy and happiness into my life. Yes, I am very jealous about myself and can not bear even minor health issues. It brings me immense happiness when those issues are resolved and I feel better. Additionally, achieving my goals and nurturing strong relationships with my family and friends make me happy. Moreover, seeing my parents smiling and happy brings me immense joy and adds happiness to my life.

Do you think the happiness can help your health?

My response to this question is affirmative. I believe that happiness appreciatively influences our health. Happiness is closely tied to our internal well- being, and when we witness internal disturbances and suffering, it becomes grueling to feel happy. There exists a strong relationship between happiness and internal health. Let's explore the salutary effects of happiness on our overall health

Reduced Stress People who maintain a happy and positive outlook on life tend to have lower risks of experiencing tensions and internal health issues similar as hypertension and anxiety.

Improved Heart Health Happiness can act as a defensive factor for cardiac health. When we're constantly upset and tense, it can lead to issues like unforeseen fluctuations in blood pressure and cardiac arrest. Therefore, being happy may reduce the risks of heart diseases.

Slower Aging Process Observations suggest that individuals who consistently maintain a positive and happy address tend to live longer compared to those who suffer from colorful health problems due to their negativity and behavior.


fostering happiness in life can have a significant impact on our internal and physical well- being. By prioritizing our internal health and adopting a positive attitude, we can potentially improve our overall quality of life and longevity.


the joy is an incredibly significant instrument for leading a healthier and the most joyful existences. Joy is a miracle that enables individuals to grin and satisfy their lives with delight and contentment. Thus, we should constantly ponder optimistically and endeavor to eliminate uncommon tensions and anxieties. This is because we will never encounter that life again. Hence, we ought to invest our life's duration brimming with joy and merriments.

@mateenfatima @uzma4882 @aminasafdar

 last year 

آپ نے بہت اچھی اور بہترین تحریر لکھی ہے جس میں آپ نے خوشی کو زندگی کی کامیابی اور صحت کے لیے لازم قرار دیا

 last year 

آپکا شکریہ سر اور دعا گو ہوں کہ آپ کی زندگی میں ہمیشہ خوشی اور تندرستی رہے۔

 last year 

Hello @sawera1

Your post about happiness being the highest form of health truly struck a chord with me. Your words are like a gentle reminder to appreciate the simple joys in life and prioritize our well-being.

Your writing style is both heartfelt and engaging making it a joy to read your thoughts on this important topic. It's incredible how happiness can have such a positive impact on our overall health and your post beautifully highlights this connection.

I want to express my gratitude for sharing such a meaningful message with the Steemit community. Your post has undoubtedly inspired many to reflect on the importance of happiness and its role in leading a fulfilling life.

Keep up the fantastic work and continue to spread positivity through your writing. I look forward to reading more of your insightful posts in the future.

 last year 

Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad my post resonated with you and served as a reminder to appreciate the simple joys in life. Happiness truly does have a profound impact on our overall well-being, and it's important to prioritize it. I appreciate your gratitude and support, and I'll definitely continue spreading positivity through my writing. Stay tuned for more insightful posts in the future!

 last year 

La alegría y la felicidad son, por supuesto, dos sentimientos que van de la mano. Cuando sonreímos es una señal de que estamos felices, de que algo nos agrada y nos llena de satisfacción. Todo esto depende, en realidad, de muchos factores, algunos incluso pueden ser adversos, pero nuestra actitud debe ser siempre enfrentarlos, con la finalidad de superarlos para que la felicidad no se aleje de nuestro corazón. Éxitos, amiga. Saludos.

 last year 

Joy and happiness go hand in hand. Smiling shows contentment and satisfaction. Face challenges with a positive attitude to keep happiness close. Best wishes, friend. Regards.

 last year 

Absolutely! Embracing joy allows us to appreciate life's wonders, find fulfillment, and create lasting happiness. Let's cherish each moment and prioritize positivity to make the most of our lives.

 last year 

I couldn't agree more! Choosing joy and positivity can truly transform our lives and bring us closer to genuine happiness. Let's make every moment count!

 last year 

Absolutely! Embracing joy and positivity transforms lives, leading to genuine happiness. Let's seize every moment and make it remarkable! 😊

 last year 

Greetings friend.

A feeling that we have but that we rarely know how to value. A very nice topic and self-help and helps us to evaluate ourselves to see how we are in the affective part.

Thank you for sharing.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @jyoti-thelight

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