Contest alert!! || AIDS awareness || 2 booming+2 SP

in Healthy Steem5 months ago
Assalamualaikum Steemians

I hope so you all are doing well and enjoying your day very well. Today I'm here to share awareness about AIDS. So let's start....

What do you know about AIDS causes?

It is achieved by the human immunodeficiency contamination (HIV). HIV can be sent through unambiguous body fluids, similar to blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and chest milk. The most broadly perceived techniques for HIV transmission consolidate unprotected sex, sharing needles or needles, and from a HIV-positive mother to her child during pregnancy, work, or breastfeeding. It's basic to practice safe sex, use clean needles, and get attempted without fail to prevent the spread of HIV/Makes a difference.


What do you know about AIDS treatment?

Helps treatment includes taking antiretroviral meds, which assist with dealing with the infection and dial back the movement of the illness. These meds are taken as a blend of medications and should be taken as recommended. It's likewise critical to carry on with a sound way of life and routinely circle back to medical services suppliers for checking and support. Keep in mind, it's ideal to talk with medical services experts who have some expertise in HIV/Helps therapy for customized counsel.


What do you know about itAIDS preventive measures?

To thwart the transmission of HIV and diminishing the bet of Helps, there are a couple of preventive evaluations we can take:

  1. Practice safe sex: Use condoms dependably and precisely during sex, including vaginal, butt-driven, and oral sex. It's similarly fundamental to examine directly with your accessory about HIV status and get attempted reliably.

  2. Make an effort not to share needles: Expecting you use drugs, do whatever it takes not to share needles or needles. Use clean needles and equipment as expected.

  3. Get attempted and know your status: Reliably get gone after for HIV to know your status. Early area thinks about fortunate clinical intercession and reduces the bet of transmission.


  1. Contravention of mother-to-kid transmission: If you are pregnant and living with HIV, searching for clinical thought and adhering to treatment can phenomenally reduce the bet of sending the disease to your kid.

  2. Pre-transparency prophylaxis (PrEP): PrEP is a medication that can be taken by individuals who are at high bet of contracting HIV. It can generally reduce the bet of HIV sickness when taken dependably and as suggested.

  3. Preparing and care: Stay informed about HIV/Helps through reliable sources, show yourself as well as others about the ailment, and advance care and getting a handle on locally.

Remember, these preventive measures are crucial in reducing the bet of HIV transmission, but it's reliably savvy to chat with clinical benefits specialists for modified advice and heading.


Wishing you success 🤞 for this contest.

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