"Wk 39: The Diary Game and Your Health (My daily life)
How are you all? I hope you are all well and healthy, today I will participate in Wk39 : The Diary Game and your Health contest organized by Mrs. @aaliarubab mam on Healthy Steem platform, and I feel happy to participate in this conteat, so from me Mrs. @aaliarubab madam International thanks to for creating such a beautiful talent with a healthy life.
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Food is the power to carry on our daily life which is to keep our body alive we need nutritious food which needs to eat food to survive.
My diet is: Every morning I wake up and drink 1 liter of water to protect my body, then I eat chickpeas as needed, soaked the day before, then I have breakfast bread in the morning, then at 11 o'clock I have a banana and rice for lunch. And vegetables, fish and meat, water as needed, then in the evening some light breakfast, oil-free, gas-free, then dinner, sometimes without bread as needed. These are my regulars but occasionally the food items change. And sometimes eat fast food etc. etc.
We are the people of today's age so we could not eat anything original, all we eat are chemical and organic fertilizers and because of these various diseases and health of our body are not good and we take medicine according to my problem to cure various diseases in our body. And it can be seen that during the change of air or the change of season, our body takes medicine to discourage many kinds of diseases. But due to some physical problems I take some medicines, they are homeopathic, my main problem is pylorus problem, for this I am taking medicine from 3,4 places but why is it not reducing, now again I am taking medicine from Natore, let's see what happens. , trust in Allah.
To keep our body fluid and to save life we drink water or water, some use tubewell water and some use supplier water and some drink this water after filtering it, water is one of the most important things to keep us alive. plays a role.
We exercise daily to keep our body and body healthy, some exercise by walking and some exercise by mechanical means, exercise helps to keep our body parts active and keep the body healthy, so I think everyone like me. Exercise is a must.
I work and rest as needed to keep my body, mind and body comfortable and healthy, and I pray to keep my mind healthy because only Allah is the owner of everything, so I try myself and trust in Allah.
Sometimes I get into some situations that gradually slow down the brain and performance, the mind goes away, like when working in the heat, I feel a little moody, and I forgot one thing in all these situations, and Understanding the situation, problems arise, etc.
Invite my friend : @akbarmia @shiftitamanna @shahid76
This is my Twitter share link https://x.com/NurNobi68258/status/1853754125667963363?t=Arv7iQzfDz-2Xz-jYBnUoQ&s=19
Thank you very much brother for presenting such a beautiful post to us. By reading your post I understood a lot about food water exercise staying healthy diet control and eating well.