Steemit Engagement Challenge/S13W1-"Health And Our Environment

in Healthy Steem9 months ago (edited)

Edited In Canva

The 2020's have been marked as 'the decade of action' by the United Nations General Assembly, a call to address global health challenges and achieve sustainable development. As the world faces thousand of health related concerns, it is important to prioritize and focus our efforts on the most pressing ones. The World Health Organization (WHO)has identified numerous key priorities, and in this article, we'll examine them, and discuss their importance.

The priorities in global health include, providing health care to Nations in crisis, making health care accessible to everyone, expanding access to vaccines and medicines, making healthy food more accessible, and investing in healthcare workers. Let us now consider this priorities one after the other

  1. Providing Healthcare To Nations In Crisis: When A Nation Is in crisis, whether caused by conflictk natural disasters , or public health emergencies like pandemic example of that being the Covid19 Virus, the provision of healthcare becomes very important as it determines if a person lives or dies. When healthcare is administer at the right time, it can go a long way in alleviating the suffering and save so many lives. To me, this is the most urgent priority.

  2. Making Health Care Accessible To Everyone: One of the fundamental human right of every human is access to healthcare. The corner stone of global health equity is ensuring that health care services are accessible to all regardless of their economic or social status.

  3. Expanding Access To Vaccines And Medicines: After the Covid 19 pandemic, we have all seen the importance and significance of Vaccines and medicines. When we expand access to live saving tools, it does not only help us in managing pandemics effectively, but also helps in the fight against many preventable diseases.

  4. Making Healthy Food More Accessible: When I person eats nutritious foods, it helps build the person immune system to fight certain health challenges and helps him or her look healthy and confident. Access to healthy food is a key component of preventive healthcare. When healthy foods are made accessible and more affordable, it can help in reducing the burden of diet-related diseases and improve overall well-being.

  5. Investing In healthcare Workers: Health care workers act like the backbone of any healthcare system and investing in their training, safety and well being is vital. When an health care worker feels appreciated and supported, she would be able to respond to health crises more effectively and efficiently.

While all these points are very important and crucial, if I am to chose the most pressing one we need to prioritize, I would chose "Providing Healthcare To Nations In Crisis" because during times of crisis, whether it be a war-torn region like Ukraine and most recently Israel, Or a natural disaster-stricken area, or a global pandemic, Immediate healthcare access can make a difference between life and death.

The least important to me is "making healthy food more accessible" although this point is integral to global health, if I am to consider one less crucial or pressing, then I'll go for this one, this is because other points such as providing healthcare in crisis situations or expanding access to vaccines and medicines, addresses more urgent and potentially life threatening issues. But this does not diminish the importance of making healthy food accessible as it is also critical to improving overall health.

In the 2020s, the global community had the opportunity to address the most pressing health concerns worldwide, By prioritizing initiatives such as providing healthcare in crisis situations, making healthcare accessible to everyone, expanding access to vaccines and medicines, we can work towards a healthier and more resilient world. Global health is complex, but with focused efforts we can make substantial progress and create a better future for all.

For me, I am playing my own part by helping in making healthcare accessible to everyone by studying nursing so I can be of help to anyone who seeks quality healthcare. You too can play your part.

 9 months ago 

Your tag is wrong.

Use appropriate tag ..

Correct tag is = #healthysteem-s13w1

 9 months ago 

Yes, there are many health problems in poor countries. Diseases spread due to lack of good food. There is a great need to work on the health problems in such countries so that the health problems in these countries are solved. Go and save people from these deadly diseases that are dangerous to human life. You have really written very well in this post. I totally agree with you. Have a nice day.

 9 months ago 

Así es amiga @nsikakinyang no solamente hablar ni dejarlo escrito, es la acción... sigue jugando y ganando, siempre se gana en este ámbito personal.

Saludos cordiales.

 9 months ago 

Article is very good but I am worry about your tag. Kindly correct it.
Best of luck

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