📣 How is your mental health - competition...
Hi to all Steemie health enthusiasts as my thoughtful friend @helengutier2 from the Healthy Steemit community organized this event. Competitions serve us multiple benefits because they lead us to analyze present situations that spotlight the importance of personal health while emphasizing family wellness.Let's talk about the subjects of today.
Do you have or have you had any of these diseases anxiety depression or bipolarity? How did you find out? |
Mental health problems most frequently include depression which tends to appear along with anxiety patterns. The duration and severity of depression vary between people leading either to brief shorter depressive periods or intense extended depression symptoms. Personality varies regarding depression because some experience it once while others experience multiple incidents. Supportive assistance along with appropriate measures will prevent suicide risks associated with depression. A significant range of support exists for individuals planning suicide but need immediate assistance. During previous times dealing with depression proved to be a complicated health crisis. My business operated successfully until I exhausted every possible way to withstand the stress. I started going to a doctor. Later he assisted me get back to regular everyday circumstances.
What method do you use to calm anxiety, since it is an illness that makes us overthink too much, how do you manage to channel those thoughts? |
The brain functions as an interactive system with our physical reactions to produce depression. Our behavior and decision-making suffer significant impact from this condition. As a critical life skill emotion regulation enables individuals to achieve stability both personally and socially. Absolute control of emotions helps us reduce negativity while amplifying positivity. Here are effective strategies for controlling emotions:
Controlling your behaviors helps regulate emotional force levels.To avoid angry responses pause before responding.
🔹Emotional expression skills:
Artistically learning the appropriate ways to share intense feelings with others. When communicating people should develop a habit of maintaining composed composure.
The practice of staying mindful within current time while studying emotional states while holding off judgment.taking deep breaths and paying attention to feelings.
🔹Seeking professional help:
When emotion regulation proves difficult someone should contact a psychologist for guidance. Counseling or therapy.
Depression and bipolar disorder are silent illnesses that we only realize when we see changes in mood. Do you think they should be treated psychiatrically and take medication or is there a natural way to do it? |
You cannot handle every situation nor do you control every outcome. According to my opinion specialists like psychiatrists should treat conditions including depression. The treatment process consists of both medicine administration with simultaneous patient counseling sessions. Individuals who received treatment demonstrate significantly greater life quality compared to untreated patients who maintain limited access to typical activities with their families. Everybody has emotional responses that form part of their being. Chronic elevated emotions damage your health while damaging those who surround you. Some psychological methods exist which help people manage their emotional reactions.
Do you think that staying active, whether it be working or doing any activity, helps or keeps you away from these diseases? |
Personal control of emotions needs two components - first recognize your limits of self-control practices and second establish awareness to detect them. The mental space needed for controlled emotions comes through mindfulness practices which include meditation along with deep breathing and yoga. Human emotions function as natural psychological experiences. Human emotions consist of love, hate, happiness, sadness, anxiety, anger, trust, and fear and many additional ones. Bright prospects fade away when you cannot manage your emotional responses. Learning effective emotional control approaches is vital because it helps manage your feelings.
🔹Change your thoughts
Direct your thinking toward other matters whenever emotional thinking attempts to begin. Create a positive memory in your mind. Moving your focus to another subject will lower your emotional intensity.
🔹Be positive
Be positive. Make a habit of focusing only on the positive elements in life. You should practice yoga while making room for self-time and spending moments helping people.You can keep emotional control by using these strategies.
🔹Practice mindfulness
You should develop mindfulness through meditation as well as deep breathing or yoga practice. These methods establish a mental dimension from which you can observe your emotional responses before making any impulsively driven actions. Through these practices you attain better emotional control.
SL No. | My Invited Steemit Friends. |
1 | @raqueluchap77 |
2 | @tahispadron |
3 | @abdullahw2 |
Best Regards
Manejar este tipo de enfermedades, no es nada fácil. Lo digo por la experiencia. Hace aproximadamente cuatro años, una prima presentó crisis de bipolaridad, donde se tomó la decisión de consultar un siquiatra.
Estaba totalmente agresiva y no entendía nada. Hasta sus hijas pequeñas corrieron riesgo. Luego de un tratamiento ha mejorado mucho, además de que cambió su estilo de vida.
Permitiendo el contacto con otras personas, lo que ayudó muchísimo.
Gracias por la invitación.
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