SEC- S20/W5 : Hemolytic Anemias -Module 5

in Healthy Steem5 days ago

Hello friends

Healthy Steem

Assalamu Alaikum

I am @jollymonoara from Bangladesh .

In week 5 of the 20th season of the Engagement Challenge, on the Hepatology -Module 5, the challenges that have been given to us and on the Steemit platform Community Moderators from Hematology @dexsyluz and @aaliarubab organized this is the concept of challenge.

Red Modern Blood Donor Flyer.png

SEC- S20W5 : Hemolytic Anemias -Module 5

Define Hemolytic Anemias

Define Hemolytic Anemias

Anemia is a type of blood disorder in which red blood cells count i.e. RBC becomes low or reduce.
Presenting inside RBCs is hemoglobin, the function of this hemoglobin is to deliver oxygen carry and oxygen from lung to tissue.
Because when the RBCs count is reduced the count of hemoglobin also becomes lower and the PCV becomes reduced.

  • PCV-(pack cell volume) shows the amount of RBC amount in the blood.

RBC's Amount/Count here is low or why does it become redundant?

The reason is -

1 .The red blood cells here may be from the bone marrow.RBC's production isn't.

  1. RBC production is from the bone marrow, from the red sister pole to the basically red blood cell production is.

  2. If the bone marrow can't produce red bloodcells, if the production is low, it turns out that RBC production is normal, so Healthy can't produce B.C. anymore, Rbc's size shape is abnormal.

In some cases RBC production is happening but destruction is happening. In this case, anemia may also occur.

Let's say Hemolytic anemia has many types of health problems, Fatigue, Pain,Arrhythmias, Enlarged heart and heart failure.

Life spanNormal 120 daysHemolytic anemias 10-15 days

Consequences of hemolysis

Feature of Red Cell DestructionFeatures of Increased Red Cell ProductionFeatures of Demest Red Cell
Intravascular hemolysis vs. Extravascular hemolysis--

By RBC destructions we mean RBCs that normal life span 120 days. If before 120 days the RBC becomes destroyed or dies of circulation, we can call the Hemolytic Anemia that occurs.

Production of hemolytic anemia RBC is producing normal i.e. normal amount, RBCs die before RBC's Normal Life Span One Twenty Days is completed.

Hemolytic or hemolysis means a breakdown of blood cells.

Hemolytic anemia is a condition in which the RBC becomes destroyed and removed from the bloodstream before the end of the normal lifespan of RBC by 120 days.

Many types of hemolytic anemia can occur, some of which are inherited and some are ginger aquarade.

Inheritate hemolytic anemia inclusive

Sickle cell anemia
Hereditary spherocytosis
Hereditary elliptocytosis
Deficiency in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
Deficiency in pyruvate kinase.

Equard Emolytic Anemia Include

Immune hemolytic anemia
Mechanical hemolytic anemia
Pyroobgymal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Certain infections and substances can also damage red blood cell s and lead to hemolytic anemia.


Causes of Anemia - To Destroy It's Red Blood Cell. It may occasionally be inherited or It's not known.

Inherited hemolytic anemia

The genes that control how red blood cells are formed are defective. These defective responsible genes in inheritance are responsible for hemolytic anemia because they cause these defective genes to produce abnormal RBCs in the body.


For normal RBC producers hemoglobin maintains cellmembranes and enzymes and abnormal RBCs are produced if not maintained for any reason.

Equard hemolytic anemia

In this anime hall, normal blood cells are formed in the body, some disease condition, its factor, the sales to the early
Example Immune disorders, infection and reaction,

The first problems with any anemia are fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, headache, and chest pain.

Symtoms of hemolytic anemia

Jaundice Pain in the Upper Abdomen, leg ulcer or pain, severe reaction to a blood transfusion.


Surgery, Plasmapheresis,
Blood bone marrow stem cell transplants.

Anemia can affect people of any age, race and sex.

Define Sickle Cell Anemia

Define Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell anemia is a very serious disease whitch body make sickle shape, C- red blood cell.The Body Produce Abnormally Shape Red Blood Cell, Fail to Properly Delivery Oxygen to Body Tissue, Shape Changes, Distrups Normal Flow of Red Blood Cell Through Blood Basels.

Red blood cells are disc-shaped and can move blood vessels very easily.


Red Blood Cell Contain Protein Hemoglobin,

Hemoglobin- It shows red color because of the iron rich protein that gives blood. And carrying oxygen from lunch to rest of the body.

Sickle cell contain abnormal hemoglobin and this is why the cells become chicken shape i.e. C-shape, sticky which can't move the blood vessels very easily.

These produce jerks that cause them to become clogged when they pass into the blood vessels.

sickle leads to limbs and organ by inhibiting blood flow to the cell's blood vessels.Many types of problems are seen due to blocked blood cells, as a result of which various types of pain in the body can lead to serious infections and organ damage.

In sickle cell anemia allower than normal number of blood cells due to which long last cannot exist. Normal sickle cells usually die within 10 to 20 days. That's why body red blood cells can't reproduce quickly, causing anemia to replace dyeing work.Anemia is life long and genetic disease.

  • The most common symptoms are sudden pain, dizziness, chest pain headache, and pale skin.


Some symptoms due to No Widely-Available Cure patient help to releave and may cause cure in some cases.

Intravascular hemolysis vs. Extravascular hemolysis

Hemolysis - Destruction of RBC, because if the RBC breaks, the RBC is distraction.Ultimate RBC denotes hemolysis.

Intravascular hemolysisExtravascular hemolysis
Intravascular hemolysis occurs while erythrocytes destroyed in Blood vesselsHepatitis haptic microphases extravascular hemolysis occurs within the reticuloendothelial system. That is, the liver digests the RBC between the liver cell and the spleen.
When the blood cell breaks the Hb release in circulation occurs in red color rbclittle R low Hb circulation.
Here when HB circulation is released i.e. HB comes out when this RBC is broken then in this circulation many HBs come out in this circulation.That is, HB is infused here, so we call it Hemoglobiniaand since HB processes in the liver or spleen outside the circulation here, no Hb will go out of circulation and will not increase. It's no Hemoglobinia.
Here since Hb increase occurs the entire blood will be inkrease in the kidney and liver and Hb, with HB also found in the middle of the urine.So intervascular Hb circulation it would be Hemoglobinuria.Since HB is not in the blood in the extravascular, it is a normal circulation, so it is no Hemoglobunaria.
After breaking the RBC in the circulation, the free HB that is here comes out of the body and turns freely, then the Hbs are utilized by Thorough Heptaglobin.Heptaglobin, the molecule of protein that binds with small Hb.Binding Hb results in heptaglobin decrease. That's why heptaglobin is absentHeptaglobin decrease.
Interbascular emolysis complement mediated. If anti-body attaches around the RBC that's here.Will compliment .Then there'll be clot in the blood basals that's here.RBC will be hit at clot in different places when the bloodbassels enters through.RBC would then break due to stress.liver , spleen digests the macrophase it has.
The liver and spleen size will not be large i.e. no Slenomegaly or Heptomegalyno Slenomegaly or Heptomegaly.
Urinary Hemosiderin presentAbsent.
PNH -HB can't sustain itself due to breakdown of hemoglobin during the night, resulting in reduced HD.As a result, clotting and bleeding will be in one place in place of the blessel and then the blood pressure comes to the RBC and the clotting accumulates due to thrombosis in different places and then the RBCs will break into pieces while passing.Transfusion reaction in this case, Micro angiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA).here cell that has the surphase here for some reason the cell gets bigger so you will have an abnormal then the liver and plein will understand that if there is a problem here it will kill that cell or if a cell fills 120 days it will spoil the splen RBCs.That is, spherocytosis, sickle cell, G6PD,Thalassamia


Explain a case of hemolytic anemia

A hemolytic anemia patient with problems that made him very weak and vomited profusely. When the hematologist approached the doctor.
The doctor understood the patient's condition and allowed the CBC test to be done in the CBC laboratory.

CBCTest Result Hemoglobin 4.7, your immediate advice for hospital admission 15 days. Hemoglobin comes to normal range after 6 months of treatment.

Dr. CBC test results and recommended Hemolytic anemia. Risk of death if not treated on time.

ParameterResultReferance Value
RBC Haemoglobin4.7g/dlMan13-17
MCV70.3 fl80-100

Anemia as a symptom of anemia or any other features that are observed should be investigated in the position of LDH, Haptoglobin and total bilirubin and peripheral range.

In hemolytic anemias:

  • Normocytic anemia MCV 80-100)
  • Haptoglobin low
  • Reticulocytes elevated (>1.5%)

In General All Ptc- Diagnosis Hemolytic Anemia Should get Foliate Supplement.


15 days for hospitalization
Immunoglobinil Therapy and Medicine for 2 days.
Blood transfusion is one bag of blood in the initial state.
Corticosteroids medicine.
Medicine folate supplementation.

..The friend users I would like to invite to this contest,they are @zulay7059,@sammy1109 @suryanitj, and @nsijoro.

Thank you so much, everyone, for voting, commenting and supporting my post

Thank you all on my behalf
Best Regards


 5 days ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 days ago 

A more in-depth discussion on this matter is urgently needed. Your post will go a long way in raising awareness. Good luck for the contest.

 2 days ago 

Thanks for curating my post and upvote and support .


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