SEC-S13 / W6 | "🗣️ Me and My Senses 🧿"

in Healthy Steem10 months ago (edited)


Hello everyone welcome to blog again today, to day I want participate in SEC-S13 / W6/ talking about my senses of organs, below are my answers on the mentioned topics

What are your senses? Which of them is your favorite and why?

My sense organs includes hearing, taste, touch and sight. And each of these senses organs I have mention plays a vital in our daily living .

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

If I am to choose my favorite sense, I would go for sight. Why do I choose sight?. With sight you can get informations about your environment, shapes, movements and allows you to observe colors. Sight enables us to appreciate the beauty of nature that God created, see beautiful arts, and see the beautiful faces people carrys.

With sight you can have the ability to navigate your sorroundings and avoid some hazardous objects which makes it very cursial sense when it's comes to safety and our well-being.

Sight have brought advancement and development in human culture . Humans have learned in the recents yrs how to interpret patterns and symbols with the help of sight and enables us to communicate with each other though reading and wrtings

All our sense organs works hand in hand to provide us complete understanding and experience of our world. Lossing of any of your sense organs can make you find some difficulties in individual perception and daily living . Each of our sense organs serves a good purpose.

Do you think certain senses are more important than others? Why or why not?

Like I said, all the sense organs we have starting from taste, smell, touch and hearing is very important in our daily lives and it's provides us with informations about the environment we are living in.

There are some certain organs that maybe more important in some specific situations e.g sight, sight is seen as the most crucial sense organs for understanding spatial relations and helps in navigating while hearing is serves in alerting us of dangers and in communication. And sense of touch helps in perceiving texture, pains and temperature while smell and taste helps us enjoy our food and gives us ability detect hazards.

If you could have an extra sense, what would it be and how do you think it would improve your life?

I always wish I can have the ability to know other people's emotions, know how they feel verbally and physically. If I have an extra sense, I believe it's will allow me percieve people's emotions and know what they are experiencing.

Image by Anja from Pixabay
This extra sense would increase my interactions and relationships with people, it's would allow me understand stronger bonds and compassion. And knowing this, it's will equipped me to provide comfort and support In need of help

How do you think our senses influence our perception of the world around us?

Our sense organs gathers informations from the environment we are living and interprets it to our brain, then from our brain it is processed and interpreted. Permits me to list some ways out senses can influence our perception.

  • Sense of sight: This sights feeds us with different informations about our environments. Sense of sight gives us the ability to differenciate shapes, colors and sizes, it's also allows us to go round our environments, recognize different faces and objects.

  • Sense kf hearing: This sense organ helps me hears different sounds and interprets it. It's enables us identify different sources of sounds, volumes and rythm. It's also helps us understand languages and communication.

  • Sense of Smell: senses of smell allows us percieve various odors and recognize them.

  • Sense of Touch:this sense gives us information about the physical objects. It's allows use feel pains, pressure and texture

  • Sense of Taste: This sense helps in discerning different flavorsand allows us to enjoy our meal, helps in differenciating bitter/sweet, sour and salty taste . It's also helps in influencing our habits of eating.

Our sense of organs work together in influencing each other and in creating comprehensive perception of our environments. So take good care of your sense of your sense organs as all of them is very vital in our daily living .

Thanks for reading through my contest. I invites @negro-bby @mesola @dequeen to participate

 10 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 10 months ago 

Hi @icon-monday,
Thanks so much for the invitation,l have already participate in this contests.

Going through your post, your presentation is really awesome,l also chose sense of sight as my best because we really need it her in steemit platform.

I value your extra sense also it would be of greater advantage to other.
Best wishes on this contest.

 10 months ago 


Que bien que tu sentido favorito sea la vista, es hermoso poder observar todo lo maravilloso a nuestro alrededor, como paisajes etc. En lo Personal no tengo algún sentido favorito ya que todos los uso al máximo cada día de mi vida.

Estaría muy bien el poder saber cómo se sienten las Personas de nuestro entorno para poder intentar ayudar, aunque a veces nos podemos dar cuenta por el lenguaje corporal. Éxitos en el concurso.

 10 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Dios nos dio la maravillosa bendición de tener 5 sentidos para poder percibir absolutamente todo en su máxima expresión y partiendo de esto es que, tenemos la clara evidencia de que todos son fundamentales por lo tanto, hay que cuidarlos y estimularlos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 10 months ago 

Thanks friend for going through my post today ❤️

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