The Diary Game (10-05-2024) Friday Routine by @hamidrizwan

in Healthy Steem2 months ago
IMG20240510182727.jpgHi Friends
In the name of Allah Almighty, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful (Al-Quran)
Assalamualaikum Friends!
I'm @hamidrizwan / Pakistan

I am fine and hope you all are well. I pray that Allah bless you in your life and give you success in every field.



Today I woke up at five o'clock in the morning, then I brushed my teeth. Today I cleaned my teeth with a sensodyne tube.

After brushing my teeth, I performed ablution and then offered the Fajr prayer. Today I offered a Fajr prayer at home.



Then my mother asked me if I would have breakfast. So I told mom that I would not have breakfast. You make a phenia for me. My mother started making phenia for me.

When mother made phenia, mother gave it to me. I was very happy to eat it, which turned out to be very tasty. In this, the mother first heated the milk and added sugar to it.

After adding sugar, mom added phenia to it and started cooking it. When the phenia was ready, then mother gave it to me and I ate it.



Then I started preparing to go to university. First, I put on the uniform. After wearing the uniform, I started my journey to university. Today I traveled by rickshaw.

I came from my house to Jhal Chakkian by rickshaw. There is a distance of 20 km between our house and Jhal Chakkian, which the rickshaw puller covered in 30 minutes.



At 7 o'clock I reached Jhal Chakkian. Now our university bus takes us from Jhal Chakkian to Sargodha University. At 7:30 the bus has arrived. So now I had 30 minutes. I thought I'd walk to the canal and get some cool air there.

Because the weather was lovely, the wind was blowing. It looked like it was going to rain, so I sat down by the canal and started enjoying the weather there. For 20 minutes, I sat by the canal and enjoyed the weather.



Then I thought that the university bus was coming in ten minutes. So I got up from the bank of the canal and started waiting for the university bus. After 10 minutes, the university bus came and I sat on it.

When I sat on the university bus, I took a photo of myself and then started my journey. The university bus took me from Jhal Chakkian to the main campus of the University of Sargodha in 20 minutes.



When I reached the main campus of the university, I was thirsty. So I went to the canteen and got a water bottle from there.

We get a bottle of water from the canteen for 40 rupees. After taking the water, I drank it and started waiting for the buses to the law college.



At 8:20, our buses came and then we started our journey from the main campus of the University of Sargodha to the Law College. After 20 minutes, we reached Law College.

We had two classes. The first class was our psychology and the second class was our jurisprudence. Our first class started at nine o'clock and ended at 10 o'clock. By the way, our class used to end at 10:30, but today we had a C-section arranged class, so Haroon took the second class until 10:30.

From 10:30 to 12:00 we sat free and then our buses came. Then we came to the main campus of the University of Sargodha.



Then I started my journey towards home. As it was Friday, I thought I would go home early and take a bath and offer Friday prayer. So I started traveling towards home by rickshaw and after an hour I reached home.



When I reached home, my mother gave me lunch. Today mom made a salad, lentil and curry with tandoori roti for lunch. After eating, I started preparing to offer Friday prayer.

So I performed ablution and went to the mosque to perform ablution and performed the Friday prayer there.


IMG20240510182602.jpg Grandmother Grave🪦

After offering Friday prayer, I came back home and I thought I would walk to the graveyard and recite Surah Fatiha on the graves of my relatives.

This is what I try to do every Friday to go to the graveyard and recite Surah Fatiha on the graves. So I went to the graveyard and started reciting Surah Fatiha there. First, I went to my grandmother's grave and recited Surah Fatiha there.

After reciting Surah Fatiha, I took a photo that I thought I would share with you guys. All of you should pray that Almighty Allah gives my grandmother a high place in heaven.


IMG20240510180703.jpgMy Rooster Bird

Then after being free from there, I came home and started feeding my chickens. After feeding the chickens, I thought I would take a picture with them.

So I told my younger brother that I would catch the chicken and he would take my picture. So my brother said OK, so I held the rooster and my younger brother took a picture of me with the rooster.

What you can see and tell you how the picture is made.


IMG20240510183325.jpgFennel Coffe

Then I asked my mother to make me a cup of tea. So my mother said, "What kind of coffee should I make for you?" So I asked my mother to make me fennel coffee, so my mother made me fennel coffee.



Today the weather was lovely, so I thought I would walk in the fields and spend some time there. So I left the house and walked towards the fields. On the way, I met my friend. I asked my friend to come with me.

So my friend said OK, I will come with you too. So then I asked my friend to draw my picture. So my friend took my picture, then we spent an hour there. We had a great time, then we came back home.



It was night time and suddenly it rained, which made the weather very cold. Then I started enjoying the rain, so I sat in the yard and started enjoying the weather and after an hour the rain stopped.


IMG20240510203825.jpg Dinner

Then my mother started cooking dinner. Today mom thought that the weather was cold, so I cooked some good food. So my mom made today chicken curry, which was very tasty.

Then we set the table and mom put the food on it. After placing the food, we all started eating. After eating, we started talking.


Note : All pictures are captured by me, @hamidrizwan / Pakistan
Thank you for reading my post
Best Of Luck🤞
 2 months ago 

ماشاءاللہ بہت اچھی پوسٹ بنائی ہے آپ نے صبح نماز سے لے کر یونی جانا۔ کلاسز لینا ، پھر کھانا کھانا پھر اپنے مرغے کو وقت دینا۔ چائے اور خاص طور پہ قبرستان میں اپنے پیاروں سے ملنا۔ آپکا دن بہت اچھا رہا ہوگا جیتے رہیں

جی بہت شکریہ میری پوسٹ پڑھنے کا ہمیشہ خوش رہیں۔


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